Death’s Gambit Guide

When you enter the Corpse City of Y’Inoth, you will float down through water and land on a large hand.This area is essentially a water level, which means you can jump higher than you normally can on dry land. Our goal here is to reach the boss, Thalamus, and defeat him so we can return to the surface. Unlike other bosses, Thalamus doesn’t have any boss journals, so we essentially just  need to make our way to him. 

Before you descend down the hand you start on, make your way to the right and jump out onto the suspended rocks (look for the chains). Uses these rocks to reach a platform. On this platform is an Immortalite Stone. Grab the stone and Crow Feather back to the start of the level. This time head to the left on the top of the hand and jump off. Follow the floating chain down and you will land on a platform with another Immortalite Stone. Grab the stone and drop down further and head to the left. Jump over the stone and fall into the current. This will take you to the next area.

When you land head to the left and grab the Tortoise Shell shield beside the wall. Turn around and head to the right until you reach what appears to be a death idol. This death idol is actually a mimic, meaning it will attack you when you try to interact with it. Defeat the mimic death idol and run past until you reach a dead end an a Abyssal Eye. Take the item and attack the people praying. Destroy the green orb and run to the left until you reach a hole in the floor. Drop down the hole into the next area with a legitimate death idol in it. 

From the death idol head right into what appears to be the wall. Attack the wall to reveal a pathway forward. Continue forward until you reach the far right wall (there is an item on a ledge above it). Hit the wall to reveal another pathway. Go down the pathway until you reach a ladder. Ignore the ladder for now and head right into the wall. Hit the wall and head down the pathway. Grab the ImmorraliteStone and ignore the death idol (mimic). Return to the ladder and go up it.

Death's Gambit Corpse City of Y'Inoth walkthrough

Go up this ladder and head left to reach a death idol.

At the top of the ladder make your way to the left to reach the item we saw earlier (Dark Crystal Plume). Return to the top of the ladder and head right through the wall. In the next room you will find a ladder going up. Take the ladder up. Jump to the item on the right side of the ladder to get Abyssal Eye. Jump back over the ladder and head left through the wall. Interact with the death idol in this room.

Climb the ladder on the far left of the death idol room and head to the left at the top. At the midway point while you are walking, you will be stopped by yourself. You will have to kill yourself (an enemy that looks just like you). Once the enemy is killed, keep walking to the left into the next room. Interact with the death idol here. Walk to the left and hit the illusory wall. Walk into the huge next room.

This room is a major pain to get through, but there are a ton of items inside it, so let’s get started. From the entrance make your way to the left and jump up to the ladder. Jump across to the left platform and grab the Consumed Knight’s Helm. Jump down to the platform with two enemies on it to get 3x Soul Stone. Head back to the platform with the Consumed Knight’s Helm on it and jump across to the platform above the one with the two enemies on it. Jump to the higher right platform and keep going up until you reach the area pictured. Grab the Immortalite Stone (don’t bother with the death idols here). Drop down to the main level and head left.

Death's Gambit Corpse City of Y'Inoth walkthrough

This is the top of the two ladders.

Run to the left and you will reach a bunch of platforms leading up. Go up the platforms stopping to grab the items on both the left (Abyssal Eye + Reinforced Helm +9) and right (Abyssal Eye) sides. At the top take either the left or right ladder up. Once you reach the top of the ladder head to the right past the people praying and grab the death idol on the platform above. Head to the right of the death idol to find a destroyable chest (open the chest to get a Immortalite Stone). Return to the top of the two ladders.

Death's Gambit Corpse City of Y'Inoth guide

The area above the two ladders features a number of items to collect.

Before you head to the left at the top of the ladders, make your way to the right and kill the green orb. Return to the two ladders and go up. Make your way up this room to get a pair of Consumed Knight’s Boots, an Abyssal Eye, and a Cloak of Darkness from the Phoenix Chest.With all this loot, return to the top of the two ladders and head to the left to reach the boss fight with Thalamus. 

Boss: Thalamus

To get to Thalamus, head to the right and step into the pool of blood. You will see your mother and she will basically make you feel like garbage. Once this talk is complete, continue heading to the left until you reach a dead end. Turn around and run to the right until you reach a rolling ball of spikes which are coming down the hall towards you. Let it crush you against the wall to start the Thalamus fight.

The fight with Thalamus is a bit strange as it doesn’t actually involve fighting. Instead you will be dodging and interacting with things for a couple of circuits. Once the circuit is complete, you will finish the fight and gain nothing. that’s right, you get nothing from this fight but the sense of accomplishment. To see how the fight plays out, check out the video above.

After you beat Thalamus, you will return to the area where you fought Endless. From here, head back to Sanctuary.

Thoughts on our Death’s Gambit guide? Let us hear them in The Pit Below. 


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

1 response

  1. Kai says:

    Ione is a woman

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