Death’s Gambit Guide

Before we head into Darkness Falls, make your way back to Sanctuary and hit up Sigur. Sigur sells an ability called Light of the Phoenix (150 shards). This ability is very useful for the upcoming areas so I highly recommend picking it up. Once you have this new ability, make your way to the entrance of Darkness Falls. Head inside into the darkness.

When you enter Darkness Falls, you will immediately be shrouded in darkness. With it being hard to see, you will want to bring along a light source. Light of the Phoenix or Sun Stones (Jaco sells them) can be used to create a light source which makes seeing things easier. Regardless of which source you choose, head left into Darkness Falls along the bridge.Grab the Sun Stones along the way and make your way down the ladder. Stop halfway and you should see a space you can jump into to the right. Run along this area and you will reach the first boss journal. Return to the ladder. 

Head down the ladder and make your way to the right. Grab the Sun Stone and continue right until you reach some platforms leading up. Go up the platforms and hit the green switch. Jump off the platform to the left to get an Immortalite Stone. Drop down and head to the right. Jump across the gap with the ladder and head to the right to reach a death idol and the second boss journal. Sit at the death idol then head back to the ladder and go down.

Head to the left and pick up the Dragonberry and Sun Stone until you reach a ladder. Go up the ladder and head to the right to activate a green switch. Return to the top of the ladder and head to the left to get the Spellbinder’s Aura. Dropdown and head to the left to reach the Dark Knight boss arena.

Boss: Dark Knight

Video via Boss Fight Database

Dark Knight is a bit of a longer boss fight then you are probably use to up to this point. Unlike other bosses you’ve fought, Dark Knight comes back to life if you don’t kill off his healers on death. Be careful when facing Dark Knight as he is capable of wombo comboing you to death fairly easily. Check out the video for more information on the fight.

For beating Dark Knight you earn the Forbidden Key, 1500 Shards, and a Talent Point

After you’ve defeated the Dark Knight, you will unlock an elevator to the right that leads back to Sanctuary. If you need to, head back there now. Otherwise, continue to the left of the arena and step through the door leading to Garde Tum. At the area’s entrance you will find a death idol.

Thoughts on our Death’s Gambit guide? Let us hear them in The Pit Below. 


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

1 response

  1. Kai says:

    Ione is a woman

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