Death’s Gambit Guide

To the left of Darkness Falls is a new area called Garde Tum. Garde Tum is unlike any other area in Death’s Gambit as it has a heavy technological presence. At the end of Garde Tum we will face off against the boss Bysurge. Before we do that, let’s plunder the place for useful items and boss journals. 

When you enter Garde Tum you will be greeted immediately by a death idol. Rest at the idol then continue heading to the left until you reach a dead end with a “use panel” prompt. Use the panel to activate an elevator down to the lower floor. 

On the lower floor you will get a glimpse of Bysurge. There isn’t much you can do about it now, so ignore it. From the elevator we can go two directions (left + right). Before we go either way, let’s grab the item under the elevator. Activate the elevator and jump off the side to access the space below. Grab the Sun Stone you find here. Now we can head in a direction. First we will go to the right. Heading all the way to the right will bring you to a map room. Activate the panel to get a look at the map of the area (since we haven’t explored, there won’t be much on it). Return to the elevator and head left. Eventually you will reach a room with five platforms, an elevator, and four glowing orbs (to the left of the elevator is a Sun Stone). Activate all four orbs (change to green when  running the character into them) to unlock the elevator down. Take the elevator down to the next floor. 

When you reach this next floor, grab the death idol just left of the elevator. LIke the previous floor we have a couple of options as to where we can go from here. Before doing anything, grab the the Immortality Stone located in the area under the elevator. Head right from the elevator and grab the H7 Lancer. Head back to the left and make your way across the red electricity traps until you reach the next room. Use the panels to extend the bridges and then cross the gaps to the next room.

In this room you will see the first boss journal floating beside a platform in the center. Before you do anything, grab this bad boy and add it to you inventory. Instead of heading down straight away, continue to the left to reach a room for a bit of lore as well as access to a larger map. Return to the room with the boss journal and start making your way down. About halfway down there is a little alcove on the right you can go inside. In the alcove is the Energy Cloak. Make your way down further until you reach the bottom. Jump up the left wall and you can access a secret room. Inside this room are a number of mines as well as an Immortalite Stone. Leave the room and head to the right. Use the floating ladder to cross the red electricity (simply jump and grab onto it). Continue further and you will see a similar ladder going vertical. Use it to go up and grab the Energy Shield on the ledge. Drop down and continue right into the next room.

This room has a short little mini boss fight with a large enemy in it. You will need to defeat this enemy in order to advance. I found positioning myself to be always on the backside of him to be fairly helpful. Once the mini boss is dead, continue heading to the right and into the next room.

As you enter this room, you should see a ladder floating vertically. Jump on it and use it to make your way up (grab the 3x Soul Stone on the way up). At the top you can interact with the terminal to open a shortcut back to the death idol. After you’ve unlocked the shortcut, drop down and head right. Inside this room there are two elevators. Ignore the first elevator down and instead walk to the right to reach a second elevator shaft. Wait for the ladder to come down then jump up onto it. Jump off about halfway up the right side to reach a small opening with the second boss journal inside. Drop down and head to the first elevator. Take it down.

Next to the elevator is a death idol. Grab it then head to the right. Eventually you will reach a room with the same orb puzzle we did earlier. Basically all you need to do here is activate all seven orbs so they are green at the same time. Once you do this, the map becomes active. Interact with the map then head to the right side of the room. Grab the Sun Stone then jump into the wall to the right (see picture). Drop down the shaft here to land in a hallway below. 

Inside the hallway ignore Bysurge (to your right) and instead head to the left. You will reach a closed door which can be opened using the pad beside it. Open the door to get a shortcut back to the death idol. Head right from the door and go deeper into the hallway. In the next area of the hallway you come in contact with the polarity mechanic. Basically this mechanic comes down to whether you are blue (positive) or red (negative) charged. Being charged means you deal more damage to enemies of the opposite charge and less damage to enemies of the same charge as you. Pick whatever charge you want (I went with blue) and head right.

Run along this corridor and ignore most of the enemies. Stop under the turret and grab The Swarm. Continue right and destroy all the sentry bots guarding the door to get it to open. Head out into the elevator shaft and make your way down. At the bottom of the elevator shaft you will find a Soul Stone. Grab it then head back up. On your way up the elevator shaft you should see a small opening to the right. Go in the opening to get the Anti Gravity Field. Make your way to the top and take a left through the red polarity field (grab the Crow Plume along the way). Continue left to reach a death idol.

Head to the left and speak with Death. After talking with him, go up the platforms he is near to open a shortcut back to Aldwynn. Go back to the death idol and head to the right. Continue heading to the right and you will reach an elevator that takes you to the boss fight with Bysurge.

Boss: Bysurge

(Via Boss Fight Database)

Bysurge is easily the hardest boss you’ve faced up to this point. Unlike other bosses you’ve faced, Bysurge hits hard and has a rather large health pool. Another thing that sets this fight apart from other bosses is the inclusion of the positive/negative charges. Bysurge will change between being positive and negative charge during the fight, making it take more or less damage depending on how you are charged. For a good look at the fight with Bysurge, watch the video above. 

For defeating Bysurge you will receive 4000 shards and a talent point.

After you defeat Bysurge, make your way to the right of the boss arena to reach a death idol and a new area called Journey’s End

Thoughts on our Death’s Gambit guide? Let us hear them in The Pit Below. 


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

1 response

  1. Kai says:

    Ione is a woman

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