Death’s Gambit Guide

After you defeat Bysurge, you will enter a new area called Journey’s End. In this area you will find a number of items and a boss called Eldritch Council. To start let’s explore the area of Journey’s End and then face off with the boss at the end.

From the death idol, head to the right, go up the ramp of corpses and climb the ladder you find there. Continue heading to the right until your reach a set of glowing red stairs going down. Go down the stairs and you will reach a prison area. Head to the right and make your way through the enemies you will encounter. At the far right you will enter a new area.

As soon as you enter the next area, you will be greeted by a death idol. Sit at the death idol then continue heading to the right. As you travel to the right you will see a wooden bridge. Quickly make your way across this bridge as it will collapse a few seconds after you step onto it. Once across, continue to the right until you reach another wooden platform and a ladder going up. Go up the ladder and grab the shortcut back to Rider’s Passage. Return to the wooden platforms and go right. Heading all the way right on the wooden platforms will lead you to a locked door. Instead, go to the ladder going down on the first platform and make your way down it. 

On this lower platform you will find another locked door to the right and a ladder heading down. Before we go down the ladder, jump to the left to reach a platform with a phantom on it. Defeat the phantom then continue to the left until you see a hole between two platforms. Drop down the hole and grab the Gaian’s Blood. Drop from the ledge with the Gaiain blood onto the platform below. Head to the left and grab the Blindfold from the ledge it is on (need to be fast as it will collapse). Grab the item and head right until you reach a pool of blood. 

As you traverse the pool of blood, you will be slowed and the Contagion debuff will slowly be applied. Make your way through the pool of blood until you an item. This item is the Acolyte Scythe +5. Grab the item and continue heading to the right. At the far right you will reach a water wheel and a ladder going down. Go down the ladder down. Head to the right and grab the Flare Plume by the Golden Lancer. Turn around and head to the left. Run down the left hallway (avoid the traps), and you will eventually reach the Ivory Key. Grab the key then return to water wheel. 

Jump and grab hold of the water wheel and right it to the platform on the right. On this platform you will meet the NPC Ash. Ash sells a couple of abilities as wells as offers some lore options. Here is what Ash has for sale. 

  • Essence of Darkness – 200 Shards
  • Death Watch – 900 Shards

Alongside these abilities, Ash can also Enchant and Disenchant items for you. Enchant any items you want to then head past Ash to the right to reacha a phoenix chest with the Reaper’s Maw shield inside.Return to the death idol and head to the locked doors we ignored earlier.

The first door we will open is the bottom one. Behind this locked door you will find a phantom and some worshipers. Continue right and you will reach the first boss journal for this area. Grab it then continue heading to the right to get the Magister’s Shoes. Return to the ladder and head up to the other locked door. 

Behind this locked door is the way forward. In the first room we will find a number of fake death idols and a phantom. Take care of all these enemies and then head to the right across the collapsable platform. Once you’ve crossed the collapsable platforms, turn around and stand on the side that is solid. Drop down to the left and sword jump right. You should land on a platform with the second boss journal on it. Drop down and double back to the collapsable bridge you dropped off. Continue heading to the right to get the Cultist Greaves. Drop down the platform to the left of this item.

Head down the platform and you will reach a ladder. Go down the ladder and grab the death idol on the wooden platform to the right. Head left from the death idol down the hallway with a bunch of enemies. You should reach a ladder going down and some platforms going to the left. Ignore the ladder for now and jump across the platforms. On the stone ledge you will find a phantom and a killable chest. Defeating the chest earns you Greed. Return to the ladder and go down. Head left to get Gaian Blood, and head right to reach another ladder down. Go down the ladder and head to the left to reach the Eldritch Inquisitor boss arena.

Boss: Eldritch Inquisitor

(Via Boss Fight Database)

When you defeat the Eldritch Inquisitor you receive 3,000 Shards, the Sigil of Caer Siorai’ and a Talent Point

After you’ve defeated the Eldritch Inquisitor, head right out of the boss arena to trigger a cutscene (lore). Continue to the right to get a Panacea and gain access to an elevator back to Rider’s Passage. Make your way back to Sanctuary.

Thoughts on our Death’s Gambit guide? Let us hear them in The Pit Below. 


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

1 response

  1. Kai says:

    Ione is a woman

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