Death’s Gambit Guide

Death’s Gambit is a Souls inspired metroidvania with a number of interesting mechanics and gameplay elements you should become familiar with if you want to complete the game. Before we dive into the actual game itself, I’m going to touch on some Death’s Gambit basics. This should help you come to grasp with how the game plays and make you more comfortable facing the challenges that await you. 

Death’s Gambit Controls

There are a couple of control schemes available for those playing Death’s Gambit. Since the game is available on both PlayStation 4 and PC, players have the ability to play the game with either a gamepad or keyboard + mouse. See the above screenshots for stock configuration on keyboard + mouse and Xbox One gamepad (sorry PS4 users). 

Death’s Gambit Classes

One of the first screens you will see when you start Death’s Gambit is the Create Soul screen. On this screen you will select which class you wish to playthrough the game as. In total there are seven classes you can choose from before you start your journey. Below is a brief look at each Death’s Gambit class including descriptions, starting stats, and starting items. 


Screenshot of the Soldier class in Death's Gambit.

The Soldier is the first listed class in Death’s Gambit. Think of it as a sort of combat jack-of-all trades type character.

Soldier Description: “Trained by the military of Vados. Good all-round fighter. Blocking attacks gives you soul energy to use for abilities.   Starting Stats:
  • Vitality. Determines health points: 5
  • Strength. Determines damage of strength weapons and abilities. Lets you equip better strength weapons and shields: 4
  • Finesse. Determines damage of finesse weapons and abilities. Lets you equip better finesse weapons: 3
  • Endurance: Determines amount of stamina points: 2
  • Intelligence. Determines spell damage. Lets you equip stronger spells. Increases magic resistance: 3
  • Haste. Determines ability and bow cast speed. Decreases ability cooldown time. Increases stamina regeneration rate: 1
Starting Items:
  • Conscript’s Cape
  • Lucent Plume
  • Vados Shield
  • Aldwynn Greatsword


Screenshot of the Assassin class in Death's Gambit

The Assassin is a class designed for those looking for quick combat with heavy reliance on dodging.

Assassin’s Description: Quick and nimble fighter that favors close range combat. Dodging attacks gives you soul energy to use for abilities. Starting Stats:
  • Vitality: 1
  • Strength: 2
  • Finesse: 7
  • Endurance: 3
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Haste: 3
Starting Items:
  • Conscript’s Cape
  • Lucent Plume
  • Wooden Targe
  • Thief Blades

Blood Knight

Image of the Blood Knight class in Death's Gambit.

The Blood Knight is all about attacking aggressively to utilize the nice passive it possesses.

Blood Knight’s Description: Reckless warrior that rewards aggressive combat styles. You can regain health that was recently lost if you quickly retaliate. Starting Stats:
  • Vitality: 3
  • Strength: 7
  • Finesse: 3
  • Endurance: 2
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Haste: 1
Starting Items:
  • Conscript’s Cape
  • Lucent Plume
  • Vados Shield
  • Vados Axe


Image of the Wizard class in Death's Gambit.

The Wizard class is for players that want to use ranged magic spells to deal most of their damage.

Wizard’s Description: You fight with a complex ranged magic. Using a healing phoenix feather will give you soul energy to use for abilities. Starting Stats:
  • Vitality: 1
  • Strength: 2
  • Finesse: 2
  • Endurance: 2
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Haste: 5
Starting Items:
  • Conscript’s Cape
  • Lucent Plume
  • Vados Shield
  • Casting Tome


Photo of the Noble class in Death's Gambit.

The Noble is a fairly balanced class with little specialization in any one stat.

Noble’s Description: You worked your way up the chain of lords. An agent of royalty will visit you to sell unique items. Using items gives you soul energy to use for abilities. Starting Stats:
  • Vitality: 2
  • Strength: 4
  • Finesse: 3
  • Endurance: 2
  • Intelligence: 5
  • Haste: 2
Starting Items:
  • Magister’s Hood
  • Conscript’s Cape
  • Lucent Plume
  • Vados Shield
  • Aldwynn Halberd


Image of the Sentinel class in Death's Gambit

The Sentinel class is for players that want to try out all types of weapons in Death’s Gambit.

Sentinel’s Description: A master of arms. You can equip any weapon and shield as long as you have half of the stats required. Parrying gives you soul energy to use for abilities.  Starting Stats:
  • Vitality: 3
  • Strength: 7
  • Finesse: 1
  • Endurance: 6
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Haste: 1
Starting Items:
  • Conscript’s Cape
  • Lucent Plume
  • Vados Shield
  • Vados Longsword

Acolyte of Death

Image of the Acolyte of Death class in Death's Gambit.

The Acolyte of Death is the final class in Death’s Gambit. This class emphasis killing enemies.

Acolyte of Death’s Description: You worship death, letting you restore broken Death Idols. These can be used to rest and save. Killing enemies gives you soul energy to use for abilities. Starting Stats:
  • Vitality: 4
  • Strength: 3
  • Finesse: 7
  • Endurance: 1
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Haste: 5
Starting Items:
  • Conscript’s Cape
  • Lucent Plume
  • Vados Shield
  • Acolyte Scythe

Selectable Starting Item

Death's Gambit starting items.

When selecting your starting class, you will be able to select an extra item from this list.

Once you’ve determined which class fits you playstyle, you will be prompted to select an item from a list of items. These items serve as a sort of bonus class edition (though the selection is the same for all classes). Below are all the items you will choose from:
  • Vados Helm: Helm worn by military soldiers of Vados. Increases your vitality by 5. 
  • Spellbinder’s Aura: Aura enchanted with elemental wisps. Using abilities increases intellect by 2 for 24 seconds, stacks up to 10 intellect. 
  • Shield of Warding: Reduces time of negative status effects by 25%.
  • Gaian Blood x 5: Increases endurance regeneration by 100% for 14 seconds.
  • Soul Stone x 5: In the hands of the right person, can be used to upgrade weapons and armor. 
  • Crystal Bomb x 8: Unstable crystal, explodes when thrown dealing 320 lightning damage. 
  • Rusty Charm: Locket. It holds a small picture of someone dear to you. 


Death’s Gambit is a metroidvania that has been heavily inspired by the Dark Souls series. With these two styles of game in mind, you should have a pretty clear understanding of what the main tentpoles of Death’s Gambit gameplay are: exploration and difficult combat. Let’s take a closer look at each portion of gameplay below.


When you start out in Death’s Gambit, you will be put through a relatively linear opening tutorial which is intended to make you familiar with the game’s systems. Once this brief tutorial is completed, you will be thrown into the world to explore to your heart’s content. Exploration in a metroidvania typically follows a simple formula of wandering through areas looking for new bosses/enemies, abilities, and items. With new abilities comes new accessible areas and the cycle repeats itself. Note there will be a healthy amount of backtracking during your Death’s Gambit playthrough, it’s part of the game’s design. While you are out exploring, keep your eyes out for these landmarks. 

Death Idols

Image of a Death Idol in Death's Gambit.

The Death Idols serve as the game’s checkpoint/level up system.

Throughout the world of Death’s Gambit, you will come across statues of Death. These Death Idols as they are named, serve as the game’s checkpoint system (like bonfires in Dark Souls). Resting at Death Idols regenerates used feathers (healing item), resets the enemies in the area, and allows you to spend shards to level up your character. While you are out exploring, be on the lookout for Death Idols. 


Image of an item in Death's Gambit.

Be on the lookout for glowing purple and white orbs. These represent items in the world.

While you are exploring, you will come across items out in the world. These items can be anything from weapons and armor, to consumable items. Items can be found in the world and also dropped off of enemies. You will recognize items as they are glowing purple and white orbs. To pick them up simply interact with them (down on dpad). 

Journals of Immortals

Image of a Journal of Immortals in Death's Gambit.

You can find Journals of Immortals in various areas. They give bonuses against certain bosses.

Journals of Immortals are interesting collectible items which can be found throughout the world (floating books). These books are typically well hidden, but provide bonuses for boss fights if they are found and collected. One tome you can find will increase the damage you deal to the Owlking boss for example. 


Image of Death's Gambit NPC

Be sure to talk to every NPC you see. You never know what might happen…

There are a ton of NPCs throughout the world. Take the time to speak with them as they may have goods for sale, or lore tidbits to share. 


Death's Gambit OwlKing boss

Combat is a major gameplay element. Be prepared to die. A LOT.

As you are exploring, you will come up against a number of different enemies and bosses you will need to face off against. These enemies can prove to be rather difficult, so take each fight cautiously until you become more comfortable playing Death’s Gambit. Combat in Death’s Gambit features a few interesting features to keep in mind:
  • Enemies drop Shards which is the game’s currency. Shards can be used to purchase items, level up, and more. 
  • When you die you drop a Phoenix Plume (one healing item). 
  • Each class has its own set of combat abilities which can be equipped at Death Idols. 
  • Bosses have distinct phases which are shown over their health bar (phase 1, phase 2, etc.). In different phases, they do different attacks. 
  • You always have access to a shield (don’t need it equipped in hand). Block often.
Thoughts on our Death’s Gambit guide? Let us hear them in The Pit Below. 


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

1 response

  1. Kai says:

    Ione is a woman

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