Death’s Gambit Guide

Now that we’ve briefly touched on some of the basics of Death’s Gambit, it’s time to really dive into the game. When you are ready, start up a new game to be taken to the class selection screen. On this screen you are able to select from one of seven classes. Each class has its own abilities and load out, so choose whichever class you want. If you want to follow along with me, select the Sentinel class (what I selected). Once you have the class you want, you can choose a starting item. I chose the Vados Helm to start, but you can select whatever you want. When you are done this, create soul to start the game. 


Image of Vrael in Death's Gambit

Vrael serves as your guide for the beginning of Death’s Gambit.

When you start Death’s Gambit, you come to on a battlefield on which all of your allies are dead. You awake and begin speaking with the NPC Vrael, who fills you in on some lore and gives you your objective. There isn’t much you can do in this area besides head to the right so do that now. 

Image of the horse in Death's Gambit

After you speak with Death, make your way to the right until you reach the next area.

While walking right you will meet Death. Death draws up a contract with you which basically allows for your resurrection when you die (not bad). You will receive the Death’s Contract item for this interaction. Continue to the right and mount your horse. Ride right until you jump a gap into Gaian’s Cradle

Gaian’s Cradle

Gaian’s Cradle is the first semi-explorable area in Death’s Gambit. In this area you will find a number of tutorial markers, items, and enemies. This area essentially teaches you how to play the game, so take it slow if needed as you get comfortable with the game’s mechanics and difficulty. 

When you jump over to Gaian’s Cradle, you will see a large creature and an item on a tree. Ignore both for now and continue heading to the right until you see an item on a wooden platform. The item is a Crow Plume. When you walk out to grab it, the platform will fall, making you fall as well (no fall damage). Grab the item and head up the ladder to the left to return where you fell. Climb the ladder the goes up (just above the tutorial stone about MENU). 

On the upper platform walk to the left and you will see a couple of things. The first is an item (Logoth Shortbow), and the second is a glowing chain holding a large bridge up. Grab the shortbow and equip it. Use the shortbow or your sword to break the chain. This will make the bridge fall, allowing you to return to you horse. Before getting on your horse, jump off the bridge onto the back of the tall creature here to reach the item (Leaf of Gaia) on the tree branch we saw at the start of the level.  

Door Switch 1

Return to your horse and take it up the bridge and across the gap to the right. Continue heading to the right until your reach a Death Idol by a waterfall. Rest at the idol and then continue making your way to the right until you reach a glowing switch. Activate the switch to unlock one of three locks (some platforms appear as well) on the door we need to go through. Since there are three locks, we need to activate another two switches. To do this head to the platforms which appeared (just left of the Death Idol) and take them up to the ladder. Climb the ladder up until you reach a new area. This will be your first crack at combat. 

On this platform there is a large Sentinel you need to face off to progress. This enemy is big and lumbering, but packs a serious punch. To defeat this enemy use your shield to block and attack when there is a pause in its attacks. Upon defeating the Sentinel, more platforms will appear and Vrael will speak with you and give you Lucent Plume which is your primary healing item. After this exchange is complete, head up the platforms that appeared (right beside Vrael) to reach a Death Idol. 

Owlking Boss Journal #1

From the Death Idol we have two possible directions we can go. The first direction is to the left and the other direction is up the ladder. Before we go up the ladder, let’s first complete the left area as it is far easier. Head to the left and you will see some enemies. Take them out and continue into the fallen log. There are a number of enemies in this area so be on alert. When you reach the gap in the log, drop down it. There is an item below we want to grab.

In the lower area there is another large creature we can ride on. Make your way to the right and climb up the ladder onto the platform there. Wait for the creature to come over and then jump on its back. Ride the creature all the way to the left until your reach the tome platform. Jump onto the platform and grab the tome. This is a Boss Tome which gives us a bonus against the boss of this area (not bad at all). Drop down and grab the Crow Plume that is underneath the platform. Note: There is a hard fight to the left of the Crow Plume. You are more than likely not prepared for it. Besting this enemy earns you the Surging Soul item. 

When ready, return to the ladder to the right and continue heading right until you recognize where you are. Along the way there is a glowing creature that runs from you and can be killed for 5 x Soul Stone. Return to the Death Idol pictured in the last paragraph. If you have available Shards (you should), level up your character. I put one point into VIT/STR/END.

Door Switch 2

Make your way back to the log and this time jump over the gap. Look for a hole in the log here and jump through it to reach the two items on top. The item on the left log is the Zealot’s Cape and the item on the right log is the Wooden Targe. Make your way back through the log and continue to the left (watch out for annoying archers) until you reach some moving platforms. Climb the ladder on the left wall and jump to the first platform. Ride it over to the right ladder and climb it to the top of the column. Before you ride the platform, drop down along the right side of the column to get Fragile Courage. Return to the top and ride the platform left to the Death Idol.

In the next room you will face off against a couple of enemies to begin with. These enemies are relatively easy and serve to introduce the energy/abilities system in Death’s Gambit. After you’ve taken out these two enemies, you will face probably the toughest enemy so far. You will need to use your ability to damage this enemy. Once defeated, continue to the left to get door switch 2. Return to the Death Idol before the logs. Level up if you have the shards (I went VIT/STR).

Door Switch 3

Now that we’ve gotten door switch 2 and levelled up a bit, let’s head up top. Climb the ladder up the platform above the Death Idol. Make your way to the right until you reach an area with a flaming bird. In order to make it across this area you need to time your runs correctly. There is a spot you can wait that keeps you out of harm’s way and essentially cuts the run in half (see photo 2). Wait here as long as you need then run to the next spot with the shield bearer. Kill the shield bearer and grab the Reinforced Helm on top when the coast is clear. Note: There are a number of consumables on this bridge you can grab while you run. Continue right until you reach another Sentinel. 

To progress through this area, you need to kill the electrified sentinel to open a door in the floor. This enemy is pretty difficult to fight and may take a few tries.Once you’ve killed it, don’t drop down right away, instead make your way to the left side of the hole and drop down along the wall. You will land on a platform that has the Covenant Shield on it (if you have the 8+ strength I recommend equipping this). Grab it then drop down lower to the Death Idol. Level up if you have the shards to do so (I went END).

Owlking Boss Journal #2

Before we continue on, we are gonna make a slight detour to grab the second boss journal of this area. From the Death Idol head to the right and you will see two flaming dragon heads, a ladder, and a red chest. Open the red chest by killing it to get the Aura of Blood, and then make your way up the ladder (don’t get burned ya egg). At the top of the ladder is the second Owlking journal

Ione Arena Death's Gambit

When ready, enter this definitely not miniboss arena… arena.

Now that we have both Owlking journals, let’s get the last door switch and fight the boss. To do this head left of the Death Idol and make your way down. Along the way you should grab the Feather Upgrade and Crystal Bombs. Once you are ready, proceed into the area pictured above which is definitely not a mini boss fight area. 

Mini boss fight: Ione

Ione in Death's Gambit

Ione is a sort of mini boss fight you need to complete.

Ione is the first real boss fight you will face in Death’s Gambit. This boss is fairly straightforward to beat, but can be frustrating if you let her combo you to death. In general all you need to do is stay out of reach until her combos are done and then attack. When Ione jumps into the air, stand under one of the raised platforms to nullify this attack. Be sure to block when needed. After you beat Ione, she will run away, but leave you a Talent Point. What a nice gal! Spend the point in the only available talent you have. 

Door Switch 3 in Death's Gambit.

The final door switch is located just outside of Ione’s arena.

With Ione dead you will be able to access the third and final door switch. To do this head through the arena to the left. The switch is sitting right there waiting for you. Activate it to open the door to Rider’s Passage. Before heading there, we need to grab some serious loot above the Ione arena. 

To get to the loot leave the arena to the left and jump onto the tree branch there. Jump to the ladder and climb up it to reach a challenge chest. This chest can only be opened if you haven’t used a feather. If you have, all you need to do is make your way back to the Death Idol, sit, and run back to the chest. In the chest you will find Quickened Plume. From the chest, jump across the platforms in the arena to reach the other entrance column. On it you will find the Marksman Aura

When ready, make your way back to the door we opened. Along the way you will meet an NPC called Fink. Fink sells items to you. Most of the items are out of our range of Shards, but take a look anyways. When you close out the menu, Fink will attack you. Kill him and proceed to the door we opened (grab your horse on the way). It leads to Rider’s Passage.

Thoughts on our Death’s Gambit guide? Let us hear them in The Pit Below. 


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

1 response

  1. Kai says:

    Ione is a woman

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