Death’s Gambit Guide

The Central Sanctuary serves as a major hub in Death’s Gambit. From this location there are a number of areas you can travel. With that said, there are certain areas you want to go first to avoid getting completely annihilated. Before we head out on our journey, let’s take a look around the Central Sanctuary and see what/who we can find. 

Death Idol

As soon as you enter the Central Sanctuary from the Rider’s Passage, you will see a huge Death Idol waiting for you. Interact with it then continue right into the Central Sanctuary. As you continue, you will be stopped by a bird. This bird is actually Death. It will give you some Lore and tell you what you need to do next. After speaking with Death, head further into the Central Sanctuary to meet Bast. 


Central Sanctuary Directions

These are the areas you will reach if you head in the directions noted. We want to go towards the camp.

Since Central Sanctuary is a hub, there are a number of areas you can head from here. Check out the above picture to get a general idea of which way you should be heading to get where you want to go. The areas that border the Central Sanctuary are:

  • Rider’s Passage
  • The City of Aldwynn
  • Camp

Bast (NPC)

Bast Death's Gambit

Bast is the lizard NPC you see when you first enter the Central Sanctuary.

The NPC Bast is sitting on a ledge when you arrive in Central Sanctuary. Beside him on the lower platform is a Crow Plume. Grab the item and talk with Bast to learn a about sending people to him for a reward. Bast also teaches new ability:

  • Assassinate – 150
  • Frost Bite – 150
  • Blink – 150

Besides this, he doesn’t really have much else for you at this time. Head up further into the central tower. 

Central Tower

The central tower is the old crumbling structure in the middle of the Central Sanctuary. There isn’t much we can do here now, but I do want to grab the item on the right side of it. To do this climb the ladders up and then jump off the platform with the elevator on it. Stay close to the wall and you should land on the platform with the Leaf of Gaia. Besides this item there is an elevator that requires the Crest of Gaia to work inside the central tower. Return to the middle area and head left towards the tents. 

Sigur (NPC)

Sigur in Death's Gambit.

He will sell you abilities and items. Talk with him to receive the Hastened Plume.

Sigur is sitting beside the tent here. If you speak with her multiple times she will give you the Hastened Plume. Sigur sells items and also abilities including:


  • Phoenix Feather Tuft – 300 (buy this if you have the shards)


  • Rupture – 60
  • Smoldering Guillotine – 150
  • Essence of Fire – 150
  • Light of the Phoenix – 150

Once you’ve finished with Sigur, continue heading left until you reach Jaco of Basilus.

Jaco of Basilus (NPC)

Jaco Death's Gambit character.

This character is a merchant. He will sell you a variety of goods.

This NPC is a merchant. He sells a number of interesting items including weapons and armor. Take a look at Jaco’s wares once and a while to see if he has anything new for sale. 

Where to Go Now?

Central Sanctuary Ladder Shortcut

Drop the ladder to get a shortcut back to the Death Idol.

Now that we’ve seen everything in the Central Sanctuary, it’s time to move forward in the story. Luckily to do this, all you need to do is head left of Jaco’s until you reach a shortcut ladder back to the Death Idol. Drop the ladder and continue heading left. Head left until you see a some platforms going up and an enemy. Dispatch the enemy and then head up the platforms to a chest. If you have the damage, destroy the chest to get Wisp. Long jump off the middle platform and  sword slash t reach ao the left to reach another platform. On this platform is the Shield of Warding. Drop off the platform and continue heading left into the next area.

Thoughts on our Death’s Gambit guide? Let us hear them in The Pit Below. 


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

1 response

  1. Kai says:

    Ione is a woman

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