Death’s Gambit Guide

Reaching the boss in this water area is rather straightforward. All you need to do is keep heading left until you reach a ladder heading up. This ladder will take you to the Forgotten Gaian + Ione boss arena where you can face off with them to your heart’s content. Before we make a beeline for the boss, let’s grab the journals as well as the items along the way. 

The first room you enter features a number of disappearing and reappearing platforms as well as some flaming dragon heads. Before you do anything, walk to the left and into the the water. Keep heading left and you will reach some Gaian Blood. Pick it up then double back to the platforms. 

Jump up the platforms so you are standing on the platform with the dragon head, wait for a gap in the flames and run and grab the Leaf of Gaia. Jump across to the middle pillar. Make your way to the far left pillar using the platforms. You should see a ladder to your left. Jump to the ladder and climb up it. Cross the platforms to until you reach a rock face with an item on it. Grab the item to get the Casting Tome +2. Return to the ladder and drop down to the left. Continue left into the next screen. 

In the next area you will see a ladder. This ladder leads to the Obsidian Plateau shortcut we opened earlier. Ignore the shortcut and continue forward to meet Alistair. 

Alistair (NPC)

As you head towards the boss room, you will meet a new NPC.

Alistair is a large snail. This NPC sells Panaccea for 300 shards. 

Walk past Alistair and hit the lever behind him to open the door. This makes a set of platforms appear. Grab the Boss Journal that is sitting beside the platforms and then HEAD DOWN THEM. Grab the Rider’s Passage death idol then head to the left. There is a set of platforms beneath the waterfall. Go down them to get the second Boss Journal . Return to the death and idol and head back up the platforms and then head to the left until you reach a ladder. Up the ladder is the Forgotten Gaian + Ione boss arena. 

Boss Fight: Forgotten Gaian + Ione

This fight is a little bit different compared to other fights up to this point, as it introduces a giant enemy for the first time. Basically Forgotten Gaian is a huge giant that tries to squish you during the battle. While Forgotten Gaian is doing this, you also have to worry about Ione, who is also part of this fight. To get an idea of how the fight works, and what you should do to beat it. Take a look at the video above. 

After you beat Forgotten Gaian, you will have a brief interaction with Ione. She will head to the Sanctuary. For your trouble you will get 500 shards. When ready head back to the Sanctuary. 

Thoughts on our Death’s Gambit guide? Let us hear them in The Pit Below. 


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

1 response

  1. Kai says:

    Ione is a woman

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