Destiny 2: How to Claim Twitch Prime Exotics Bundles

Destiny 2 and Twitch are teaming up to shower Guardians with a number of exotic bundles over the coming few months. In the newly announced Destiny 2 x Twitch Prime collaboration players with Twitch Prime are able to claim exotic bundles featuring weapons, weapon ornaments, ships, and more. If you are currently wondering how to go about the process of claiming these bundles for yourself we’ve got you covered. Check out how to claim Twitch Prime exotics bundles below.

Note: you need to have Twitch Prime to access the Destiny 2 exotic bundles. You can sign up for a free trial here.

How to Claim Exotic Bundle From the Destiny 2 x Twitch Prime Page

Image showing the Destiny 2 x Twitch Prime page.

To get at the bundles make your way over to the Destiny 2 x Twitch Prime page here. On this page you will see a a layout of the six bundles. Currently there is only one bundle available to claim called the SUROS Regime Exotic Bundle Drop. Above this Bundle it say Claim Now. Click on this bundle then click Claim Now. When you do this you will be prompted to sign into your Amazon account. After you sign into your Amazon account you will be prompted to connect the platform of choice for Destiny 2 (obviously pick the one you play on). You will then claim the exotic bundle for in-game.

Claim Exotic Bundle from Amanda on Tower

Image showing where to claim the Twitch Prime Rewards in Destiny 2.

Upon claiming the bundle from the page above, head in-game and make your way to the Tower. On the Tower head over to Amanda Holliday in the Hangar and speak to her. When you speak to Amanda she will have a new section called Twitch Prime Rewards. In this section you will find the four exotic items you are owed. Grab each one to add it to your inventory for use.

That’s all you need to know to claim the Destiny 2 Twitch Prime exotics bundles. As mentioned above there are a total of six bundles you can claim. These bundles are being released drip feed over the next few months, so check the link above often.

Thoughts on our how to claim Twitch Prime exotics bundles guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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