Destiny 2: How to Get Old Exotics (Beyond Light Onward)

The Destiny 2: Beyond Light expansion brings a number of new changes to the Destiny 2 experience players have come to know and love. These changes include major shifts in the game with none being larger than vaulting content into the Destiny Content Vault. If you don’t know what this means, essentially to avoid the game becoming to large Bungie will be vaulting content periodically. This vaulting removes things like planets and quests associated with them. One repercussion of this vaulting is the removal of older Exotics. Thankfully there is now a method of getting Exotics you may have missed. Learn more on how to get old Exotics in Destiny 2 below.

Meet The Monument of Lost Lights Exotic Archive

Image showing the The Monument of Lost Lights Exotic Archive in Destiny 2: Beyond Light.
Image via Bungie.

To get old Exotics from November 10th onward players will need to use a new terminal that has been added in the Beyond Light update. This new terminal is located in the Tower and is called the Monument to Lost Lights Exotic Archive. The terminal, adorned with some interesting gold figures, can be found nestled between the Vault terminals in the Courtyard landing zone area.

When you interact with this terminal you will be presented with a list of old Exotics currently inaccessible in-game. These old Exotics have different costs associated with unlocking them. Exotics that have no clear path to acquire since they are vaulted will be acquirable by paying a sort of recipe which is a mix of Glimmer, destination materials, Masterworking materials, Exotic Ciphers, Ascendant Shards, and the new Spoils of Conquest material (Raid completion reward).

The previous difficulty of acquiring the exotic determines the ‘recipe’ of materials you will need to provide. Harder, more time intensive Exotics will have more demanding recipes. This means you will still need to put time in to acquire materials, but you will have more avenues of acquiring the materials themselves.

That’s all you need to know to get old Exotics in Destiny 2. This new system means it is possible to acquire Exotics may have missed or forgot about before the vaulting occurred. Going forward this system will be vital for players just getting involved in Destiny 2 as it allows for them to catch up.

Thoughts on how to get old Exotics in Destiny 2? Drop them in The Pit below.


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