First Substantial Content Update For Pokemon Go Released

Remember last year when Pokemon Go was the talk of the town? Well since then, Pokemon Go has kind of fallen of the map in terms of hype. Some of this collapse in popularity was do in large part to Niantic’s slow pace at updating the game. Today, fans of Pokemon Go are finally getting an update that adds new things to the game. Let’s looks at Pokemon Go’s first substantial content update below.

Pokemon Go Update:First Substantial Content Update

– Gym Features significantly updated to add all new motivation system

– New Gym Badge feature

– Added in – app and push notifications system for Gyms

– New Raid Battles, a new cooperative gameplay experience

– Four new items available only by completing Raid Battles

– Added Raids tab to Nearby Screen

– Search functionality to Pokemon collection screen

– Added visual indicator to unvisited Pokestops.

Overall there is a healthy chunk of content to be found inside the newest Pokemon Go update. I do wonder if this is sort of to little too late though, as someone who played and got bored, this update does nothing to motivate me back into Pokemon Go. Given the immense time between updates, it feels like Niantic has dropped the (poke) ball a bit over how they’ve handled game updates. Regardless, whether you play Pokemon Go or not, there is a new update out that adds some new features. Enjoy!


What do you think of Pokemon Go’s first substantial content update? Will it get you back to playing? Let me know in the Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

1 response

  1. FilmApe says:

    Pokemon Go Away…

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