Gaming Memes Will Set You Free This Monday

Monday is a horrible day. After spending the weekend gaming, I am forced to return to life, which often means responsibility. Responsibility sucks, but the internet is a wonderful place to at least off set some of the pain of being a plebeian. Enjoy some gaming memes you degenerates.

1. Skyrim

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2. Skyrim

3. League of Legends

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4. Fallout 4

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5. Fallout 4

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6. Ladders…

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7. Dishonored

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8. Age of Empires

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9. Mario

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10. Legend of Zelda

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11. Watch Dogs

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12. Skyrim

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13. Uncharted

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14. Uncharted

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15. Every COD Ever

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16. Halo

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17. CSGO

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18. Civilisation

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19. Wolfenstein

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20. Dishonored

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As you go about your day today, try to remember the little things in gaming that make you laugh. Hopefully this gaming memes gallery can provide you some reprieve from this thing called real life. Here’s hoping the weekend comes soon!

See last weeks gaming memes

What did you think of this gaming memes gallery? Laugh? Cry? Agnostic? Tell me in the Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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