Hambearger Live Event Guide – Far Cry 5

This week’s Live Event in Far Cry 5 is all about hunting bears. That’s right. Hunting one of the tougher animals in the game. If you complete this week’s Live Event you will get a number of items for your troubles. To easily complete this event, use our Hambearger Live Event guide for Far Cry 5 below.

Hambearger Live Event Progression

Image of the Hambearger Live Event progression.

Before diving into actually completing the Live Event, let’s take a quick look at the live event’s progression and unlocks. You will need to complete a set number of bear kills in order to unlock the loot this week. Here are the numbers you need to hit:

Personal Progression:

  • 2 Kills = 50 Silver Bars
  • 4 Kills = D50 “Sovereign”

Community Progression (PC):

  • 125K Kills = 50 Silver Bars
  • 250K Kills = Tracey Outfit

The instructions for the Hambearger Live Event are as follows, “Feeling paw? Get some bear meat and sell if for extra cash. But bear with me on this one – for some unbearable reason you must use handguns to kill the bears first!”

Hambearger Live Event Guide

Image of the American Black Bear hunting spot in Far Cry 5.

Before you head out to complete this Live Event, be sure you have a somewhat powerful pistol equipped. I went with a Magnum .44, but you can run with whatever you like. Once you have a handgun, head out to an American black bear hunting spot.

At the hunting spot, pop and Ultimate Hunter and wander around until you run into a bear. Kill the bear with your handgun, strip it of its Bear Meat (quest item). Repeat this process four times and you will complete the live event.

Access Loot

After you’ve hunted four bears (and the community has hunted 250k), you will receive some new loot to use in Far Cry 5. This new loot comes in the form of a new pistol called the D50 “Sovereign”, and the Tracey Outfit. To access each piece of loot, follow the steps below.

  • D50 “Sovereign” – Make your way to the nearest Gun Shop and access it. Access the weapons menu and the the Sidearms submenu. Scroll down until you to find the D50 “Sovereign”. This pistol is a new take on the D50, and is considered to be one of the world’s most powerful handguns.
  • Tracey Outfit – The Tracey Outfit (when unlocked) is accessible from the Character Customization menu. Select Character Customization and choose Special Outfit. .

This week’s event is fairly simple to complete, but doesn’t really deliver any good loot. Yet another week of mediocre rewards from Far Cry 5. #FeelsBadMan.

Thoughts on this Hambearger Live Event Guide? Let me hear them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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