Highlights From Bethesda’s E3 Conference

Many of the most beloved RPG’s come from Bethesda, so there is much hype surrounding Bethesda’s E3 conference. Last year we saw the announcement of Fallout 4 and the Fallout Shelter. What will be in store this year? The article below highlights some the best announcements out of Bethesda’s E3 Conference.


Morgan Webb and Adam Sessler hosted the event. They started with an overview of much of last years announcements, but also mentioned some newer announcements such as console mods for Fallout 4. The entire opening felt like stalling, which could be due to a supposed slow process of getting people in the building. Showed off a trailer for the Elder Scrolls Legends card game and some updates on The Elder Scrolls Online. They showed off the line up of people waiting to get into the venue earlier in the day… Followed that segment up with last years Dishonored 2 trailer.

Dishonored 2

Dishonored 2 is coming to players on November 11th.  There will be two playable characters. Players will be able to choose between Emily Caldwin or Corvo. Each character will be unique both in attitude, voice work, play style and story threads. The game is set 15 years after the first game. New footage of the game shown. Basically a walk-through of the various streets of the new locale.

Arkane made a new game engine ‘the Void Engine’ specifically to handle Dishonored 2. The goal  of design was to make the locations tell a unique story. Shown the Dust district. Much more vertical space in Dishonored 2. Random storms impact visibility and how missions are approached. Entirely new skill trees, enable new ways to play the game. There will be a collector’s edition, limited amount.

Quake Champions

Quake is back. In keeping with the theme of older games, Bethesda started the show with a trailer for the new Quake. Called Quake Champions, the game will be a fast and frenetic arena shooter. There will be a lot of unique champions to choose from. As part of the launch plan for Quake Champions, ID will support the Esport side of Quake far past Quakecon. More will be shown on Quake Champions in August at Quakecon.

The Elder Scrolls Legends

Bethesda is taking a stab at the arena card battle genre with The Elder Scrolls Legends. The game will feature a narrative driven storyline, which sets the main character on a path to discover more about the Elder Scrolls. To sign up for a chance at the beta, hit up bethesda.net.

Fallout 4 DLC

Contraptions – basically a ton of stuff to make you own rube goldberg machine.

Nuka World – Looks like a new area to visit.

Skyrim Remastered

Skyrim remastered is coming and will feature better graphics and mod integration for the PS4 and Xbox One. Not much else to say on this one.


New game from Arkane (Dishonored devs). Trailer shows the player replaying the same day over and over, until the sequence finally breaks and the individual is actually inside of some type of experimental lab (space station). Looks to be an FPS thriller style game similar in nature to Aliens Isolation. Not much was disclosed, but more is coming at Quakecon.

Doom Updates

More Snapmap updates are coming. Every update will be free for all players. Multiplayer will be getting two new game modes. A new premium DLC is also slated to be launched next month and will feature new maps, characters and a new weapon. Starting tonight you can download the first level of Doom for free on Steam, PSN and Xbox Live. This is only available for this week.

The Elder Scrolls Online

The audience went absolutely crazy for this guy. Elder Scrolls Online was one of the best selling games of 2015. It boasts a player base of over 7 million. On June 23rd, TESO will expand to Japan. A lot of new content is on the way. The Dark Brotherhood DLC is launching on Tuesday for console players. Another game changer is coming. One Tamriel will do away with level restrictions, making content barriers non-existent. You can go wherever you want and play with whoever you want, no level restrictions. One Tamriel will be coming in the Fall.

Bethesda VR

No surprise here. Bethesda announced that both Doom and Fallout 4 would be playable in VR at the event. In 2017, Fallout 4 will be coming to the HTC Vive platform.

Another weak show. Nothing surprising from Bethesda. Focused heavily on Dishonored 2 as the gem of the show. While the game looks good, it definitely didn’t wow me.

What did you think of Bethesda’s E3 showing?


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

1 response

  1. FilmApe says:

    E3 is L7 these days…

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