How to Access the Warmind Expansion – Destiny 2

Destiny 2’s second piece of DLC dropped today, and the new content promises new challenges and adventures for your guardian to undertake. If you need a refresh in how to access the DLC content (since Curse of Osiris is pretty old), check out our how to access the Warmind expansion in Destiny 2 guide below.

1. Make Sure You Own The Expansion Pack/DLC

The first thing you will need to do is make sure you own Expansion Pack I for Destiny 2. The Destiny 2: Expansion Pack I gives you access to the of the the second piece of DLC content,  Warmind. Buying a single Expansion Pack will run you $19.99 USD. Alternatively, you can pick up the Expansion Pass which nets you two DLC at a lower unit cost per DLC (The Expansion Pass runs about $34.99 USD). If you purchased the Destiny 2 Deluxe Edition, you will have the pass included, otherwise you’ll need to pick it up. Regardless of what you choose, you need to own Destiny 2Expansion II: Warmind in order to access the new content.

Once you own the Expansion Pack, you may need to input a code to unlock the content depending on your purchase method. This can be done by following these steps for Xbox, Battlenet, or Playstation 4. If you purchased digitally, this step may not be necessary.

2. Download Update

This next step is fairly simple and occurs automatically. You will want to make sure that your Destiny 2 is updated to 1.2. Again this will occur automatically. The 1.2 update changes a number of things in Destiny 2, and also makes the Warmind expansion live.

3. Access Mars From Director

Now that you’ve purchased and patched Destiny 2, you will be able to access Warmind from the Director menu. The new DLC takes place on Mars which is located on the left-middle of the Director menu screen. The new planet has a recommended Power of 310.

More Warmind content coming soon.

Did our quick guide on how to access the Warmind expansion in Destiny 2 help you? Let us know in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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