How to Change Javelin Animation in Anthem

You will spend a lot of time looking at you Javelin in Anthem. As you play you will begin to develop an attachment and will want to customize your Javelin to be more unique. One form of customization is through animations. These unique Javelin movements offer ways of adding a little character to your hulking metal suit. Below you will learn how to change Javelin animation in Anthem.

You Can Equip Javelin Animations at the Forge

Like Paint and Vinyls, you can also equip Animations through the Forge. Make your way to the Forge and access the Appearance tab. Once on this tab you will see a number of options on your Javelin that you can customize. One option is Animations.

Animations change the way you Javelin does certain things. Take for example the Victory Pose. At the end of a mission you will see mission summary screen. During this screen you Javelin will do an animation. You can change up this animation through the Animations menu. Other Animations which can be changed include the Arrival Animation, as well as three Emotes. You can buy any of these Animations through the buy tab next to the equip tab. They cost Coin.

Need more help with Anthem? Check out our other guides including how to change armor, how to access DLC, and a guide to changing the color of your Javelin.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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