How to Change Javelin Color in Anthem

Anthem as a game is all about killing enemies, looting stuff, and looking good while doing it. Since this is a game about being a badass, you definitely want to look the part. This guide will show you how to change Javelin color in Anthem so you can play out that Iron Man fantasy you have.

You Can Change Javelin Color at the Forge

How to Change Javelin Color in Anthem
Pink bois.

If you want to change the color of your Javelin, make your way to the Forge. At the Forge there is a tab for Appearance. Select the Appearance tab and choose Paint (bottom right). From this menu you can select a number of different Paints and Materials to make your Javelin look unique.

When you are on the Paint and Materials tab you will notice on the left there are orbs of material and on the right there are colors. Select the material you want by hovering over the orb (orange highlight will appear when selected). To change the color of the material highlighted go right to select the color (on the same line as the material you want to color).

Need more help with Anthem? Check out our other guides including a look at the Tombs of Legionnaires, what’s for sale in the shop this week, and a guide to changing your Javelin’s animations.

Did you learn how to change Javelin color from our post? Let us know in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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