How to Change Pokemon Nature in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield

In Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield each Pokemon has a specific nature. A Pokemon’s nature effects its stats, providing an increase to some categories and a decrease to others. Traditionally Pokemon games have not allowed you to change a Pokemon’s nature. Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield are a bit different since they let you alter nature (sort of). Continue reading below to learn how to change Pokemon nature in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield.

Where to Buy Nature Mints in Pokemon Sword and Shield?

Image showing where to buy Nature Mints in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield.

The new items that allow you to change your Pokemon’s nature are called Nature Mints. These mints can be purchased from the Battle Tower in Wyndon. This means you will not have access to changing nature until the end game. Each mint costs a total of 50 BP (Battle Points). To purchase mints for yourself head inside the Battle Tower and interact with the woman behind the counter to the far left. She sells the following Nature Mints:

  • Adamant Mint: Increases Attack; Decreases Sp. Attack.
  • Bold Mint: Increase Defense; Decrease Attack.
  • Calm Mint: Increase Attack; Decreases Speed.
  • Careful Mint: Increases Sp. Defense; Decreases Sp. Attack.
  • Gentle Mint: Increases Sp. Defense; Decreases Defense.
  • Hasty Mint: Increases Speed; Decreases Defense.
  • Impish Mint: Increases Defense; Decreases Sp. Attack.
  • Jolly Mint: Increases Speed; Decreases Sp. Attack.
  • Lax Mint: Increases Defense; Decreases Sp. Def.
  • Lonely Mint: Increases Attack; Decreases Defense.
  • Mild Mint: Increases Sp. Attack; Decreases Defense.
  • Modest Mint: Increases Sp. Attack; Decreases Sp. Defense.
  • Native Mint: Increases Speed; Decreases Sp. Defense.
  • Naughty Mint: Increases Attack; Decreases Sp. Defense.
  • Quiet Mint: Increases Sp. Attack; Decreases Speed.
  • Rash Mint: Increases Sp. Attack; Decreases Sp. Defense.
  • Relaxed Mint: Increases Defense; Decreases Speed.
  • Sassy Mint: Increases Sp. Defense; Decreases Speed.
  • Serious Mint: all stats grow at an equal rate.
  • Timid Mint: Increases Speed; Decreases Attack.

Keep in mind the mints above allow you to change nature stats, but not the nature itself. Your Pokemon will still retain its normal nature (ie intrinsic nature), but you can offset it with the mints. Be aware of this if you wish to breed as you will be breeding Pokemon with the nature shown on the information screen, without any impact from the mints you’ve given it.

To give a Pokemon a mint you’ve purchased simply go to your bag and select the mint you want to give. Highlight the Pokemon you wish to give the mint to and confirm your action. That’s all there is to it.

Thoughts on our how to change Pokemon Nature in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield.


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