How to Fast Travel in Watch Dogs Legion

In Watch Dogs Legion players get the chance to explore a future London. This large map has many ways for players to get around including on foot and the use of vehicles. Sometimes when you need to get somewhere quickly your best method of travel is fast travelling. Continue reading below how to fast travel in Watch Dogs Legion.

Fast Travel in Watch Dogs Legion

Image showing How to Fast Travel in Watch Dogs Legion.

To fast travel in Watch Dogs Legion you need to open your map. On the map highlight the symbol for the London tram (looks like a circle with a line throughout). When these symbols are highlighted you will be prompted to fast travel to the highlighted location. Fast travelling using this method will place in or around the transit station you highlighted.

Alongside fast travelling to the different subway stations there are a few other locations you can fast travel to. The most important is the safehouse which appears on your map as a large black diamond. Like the tram stations simply highlight the safehouse to be prompted to fast travel to it.

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