How to Get a House in Temtem

In Temtem players spend their time catching Temtem across a number of different islands. This always on the go gameplay can become a bit tiresome without a place to kick up your feet every once in a while. Thankfully as of Patch 0.6.9 players can now get a place to rest in the game’s new housing system. To learn more about this system read our how to get a house in Temtem guide below.

Things to Have Before House Hunting

Image showing how to get a house in Temtem.

Getting a house in Temtem takes a bit of effort on the player’s part. Unfortunately it is not as simple as buying a house right away. Instead you need to complete a number of steps that take roughly 1.5-2 hours to complete. These steps require having certain things (Temtem + Pansuns). To save time here’s what you should have before starting the housing questline:

  • Cerneaf (Temtem).
  • Vulor (Temtem).
  • 30,000 Pansun.

An important note on both the Temtem listed above. These Temtem are for trade, so you should be comfortable getting rid of them. The Pansun is needed to buy the house when the time comes.

Once you have everything listed above it is time to embark on your house buying quest. Again this sequence is fairly long so be prepared to spend a bit of time completing the steps below.

Getting Your Own House in Temtem

As mentioned above the process to get a house is rather long and has many steps. The video above by YouTuber Millarz does a really good job of laying out each step, each location you need to visit, and how to complete the NPC dialogues. If you can’t do video you can find the steps needed in text form to purchase your own house below.

  1. Speak to Salamasina in Atoll Row in Citerior Omninesia. Say you want to purchase a house.
  2. Go to Myreng Building in Superior Omninesia and speak to Oliana.
  3. Head to Deniz and visit the hotel. Speak to hotel front desk NPC then go upstairs and interact with the TV in the room.
  4. Go to the bar in Turquesa and speak to Etkli. Give him a Cerneaf.
  5. Head to the Thalassian Cliffs and go into the furniture shop. Defeat the Belsoto kidnappers in battle.
  6. Go back to Turquesa and head to the island just outside it to reach Minos. Speak to him and answer his questions as follows: “I am looking for a drowning man.” “A fugitive from Belsotos.” “Kalei, and (sic) engineer from MyrEng.” “Meeting a friend.” “Ektli.” “At the Arissola Palace.” “Surfing.”
  7. Head to Brical De Mar and enter the school there. Speak to Headmistress Dolca. Then speak to Marcelino.
  8. Go back to Arissola and talk to him near the airship dock. Fight the Belsoto agents that appear.
  9. Take the airship back to Omninesia and head to Atoll Row. Speak to Salamasina and pay 30K to buy the land.
  10. Go to Deniz and enter the Windward Fort. Talk to the Architect and give him the Vulor.
  11. Head back to Salamasina and speak to her.
  12. Go to Quetzel in Tucma and visit the Smith’s Guild. Talk to the Smith’s Guild Rep.
  13. Head back to the Tucma port and speak to Manfredo.
  14. Go to the Vumbi Dojo in Kisiwa and speak to Musa’s ADC.
  15. Leave the dojo and head to Upinzaru. Talk to Makamba there.
  16. Head back to Omninesia and speak to Makamba at the port there. Answer with the following: “Do you have a map?” “Atoll Row, in Citerior Omninesia.” “…the The Canopath.” ” Watch out for the Anak Volcano.” “Yareni.” “Shuine?” “Salamasina?”
  17. Go to Salamasina and speak to her one final time to receive the house key. Use the hole in the middle of the ground nearby to visit the player housing area.

That’s all you need to do to complete the housing questline in Temtem. As you can see this takes quite a bit of time and there is quite a bit of running around to be done. With that said having your own place to crash when you are not fighting or capturing Temtem is pretty sweet.

Thoughts on our how to get a house in Temtem guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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