How to Get Climbing Gear in Temtem

In Temtem you acquire a number of equipment pieces that help you traverse the various obstacles you encounter while exploring. One obstacle you will encounter is sheer rock faces that you can climb. Before being able to climb these rock faces you must first acquire the Climbing Gear. To learn how to get the Climbing Gear in Temtem check out our guide below.

Complete the Vumbi Dojo and Explore the Jino Gap

Image showing how to get Climbing Gear in Temtem.

To get the Climbing Gear item you need to advance the Temtem story until you reach the third island of Kisiwa. On this third island you need to complete the Vumbi Dojo so you can explore the area known as the Jino Gap As you approach the Jino Gap you will meet a mysterious old man named Badru. Your first interaction with this elderly gentleman will be a bit strange as he will approach on the main path but will say nothing. After this interaction you will need to head over to the bridge. Over by the bridge Badru will give you the Gravitonic Piolets so you can reach Upinzani. These Gravitonic Piolets are the game’s Climbing Gear. To advance the story you have to get this key item.

To use the Climbing Gear simply approach climb-able walls and you will climb up them. This allows you to access a number of new areas previously inaccessible without Climbing Gear. Exploring these locations means access to new items, side quests, and even different Temtem.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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