How to Get the Lady Death Exotic SMG in The Division 2

The Division 2 received its first expansion in the recently released Warlords of New York. As the name of this expansion suggests this add-on takes players back to the stomping grounds of New York City. Alongside this new location there are a number of additions like new gear and more importantly new exotics. One exotic players can now get is an SMG called Lady Death. Check out how to get the Lady Death exotic SMG below.

How to Get The Lady Death Exotic

From everything that has been reported up to this point The Lady Death SMG is available as a world drop from multiple sources. These sources all have relatively low chances of dropping this exotic but should be explored if you wish to try your hand at the RNG that is getting these types of weapons. The sources for The Lady Death are as follows:

  • Any of the 22 World bosses in NYC (3% Chance).
  • Bounties.
  • Hyena chests (see video above by WiLLiSGaming).
  • Dark Zone.

Since world drops are largely chance there really isn’t a set way to get this weapon with any regularity. Instead you should do the activities you like the best and are comfortable with grinding until this weapon drops. For now the easiest method is probably opening Hyena chests, but this requires having ample keys at your disposal.

The Lady Death Talent

Like most exotic weapons in The Division 2 the Lady Death features an interesting talent for players to use while wielding the weapon. This talent is called Breathe Free and it does the following:

  • Breathe Free:
    • When moving, gain 4 stacks per second, or 8 stacks if sprinting up to 40 stacks.
    • Each round fired consumes a stack, amplifying damage by 60%.
    • Kills grant +20% movement speed for 10 seconds.

This is just one of many new Exotics in the WONY expansion. Keep it locked here as we found out how to unlock more of these rare weapons and items. Thanks for reading and happy farming.

Thoughts on our how to get the Lady Death Exotic SMG in The Division 2 guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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