How to Get the Reset Dress in Super Mario Maker 2

In Super Mario Maker 2 there are a number of outfits for players to unlock as they playthrough the game’s story mode. These outfits change the look of your character. Below I will show you how to get the Reset Dress.

Play Super Mario Maker’s Story Mode

Image showing the Undodog in Super Mario Maker 2.

To start play the new story mode that is available in Super Mario Maker 2. In the story mode you complete different levels to earn coins and rewards. Progress the castle until the Undodog begins to give you jobs (around 8% castle completion). Undodog can be found along the left side of the pathway in front of the castle.

Complete Undodog’s Chain Chomp Chiller Job

Image showing the Chain Chomp Chiller job in Super Mario Maker.

To unlock the Reset Dress you need to complete the Undodog’s Chain Chomp Chiller job. This jobs unlocks after completing the following jobs:

  • Swinging Claw Escape.
  • Swamp Escape by Shell.

Once you’ve completed the above two jobs you will unlock the Chain Chomp Chiller job. In this job you tasked with completing a level filled with Chain Chomps without jumping. This is actually quite difficult to do since this is a four star difficulty level. Once you’ve completed the level you will unlock the Reset Dress.

Equipping the Reset Dress

Image showing the Reset Dress in Super Mario Maker.

Once you have the Reset Dress unlocked, you are gonna probably want to equip it. To do this make your way to the Course World mode. In this mode you can make a Mii. This Maker Avatar can wear a number of different costumes. To do this select your Maker from the main Course World screen and then choose change outfit. Here you will find the dress under the full body option. Equip it and Enjoy!

More: get a Princess Peach dress!

Thoughts on our how to get the Reset Dress guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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