How to Get the Ring of Honor in Remnant From the Ashes Subject 2923

In the Ward Prime’s Medical Bay you will encounter an Operating Room with a viewing above it. This room has a purple item in it. This purple item is the Ring of Honor. This ring appears to be unattainable as you are on the outside of the room with no way in. Learn how to get the Ring of Honor in Remnant From the Ashes Subject 2923 below.

Shoot Lock By Research Bay

Image showing the stairs to go up to find the hole in the wall to shoot the lock in Subject 2923.

To advance through the Ward Prime area you need to complete a number of tasks. The first task is to get power running by turning on the reactor. This can be done by gaining access to the Maintenance Room. Once you have access to the reactor room you will see a door near the entrance you can open by shooting the root blocking it in the other dimension. Open this door and go down the stairs to reach the Research Bay.

Lock you can shoot to gain access to staircase in Subject 2923.

In the Research Bay area you will find a staircase you can climb that is blocked with roots at the top. About halfway up this staircase you will see a crack in the wall looking at a gate with a lock. Shoot the lock so you can open the gate then leave the staircase and head over to the gate.

Loot Ring of Honor Off Body in Surgery Room

Image showing where to find the Ring of Honor in Subject 2923.

Through the gate you will find another set of stairs. Go up the stairs to reach the Surgery Room. In this room you will be up on the observation deck. Walk over to the rock that’s fallen on top of the railing and use it to drop down below. Walk over to the body next to the gurney to get the Ring of Honor. When the Ring of Honor is equipped you receive the following:

  • “Increases Health by 10, Stamina by 10, and reduces Armor Encumbrance by 10.”

That’s all you need to know to find the Ring of Honor in Subject 2923. This ring is fairly good for players that want to run heavy armor/tank builds as it provides stats they may be lacking. Overall I would say it is a pretty decent ring to get.

Thoughts on our how to get the Ring of Honor in Subject 2923? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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