How to Get The Undies Suit in Spider-Man PS4

There are a number of suits to collect in Spider-Man on the PS4. Some of the suits are simple (aka story unlocks), while others require putting some effort in to unlock. One suit that will require some serious effort is called the Undies Suit, and like the name suggests, it is Spider-Man in his undies. To help you track down this rare suit, use our how to get the Undies Suit in Spider-Man guide below.

100% All Districts

100% All Districts in Spider-Man

You will need to 100% every district in Spider-Man.

The first step in getting the Undies suit is to 100% every district of New York. To do this you will need to complete the following:

  • Collect every backpack.
  • Complete all side missions.
  • Photograph all landmarks.
  • Clear all Fisk hideouts.
  • Complete every Demon Warehouse.
  • Clear every Sable Outpost.
  • Free every Prisoner Camp.
  • Complete all Research Stations.
  • Do every Black Cat Stakeout.
  • Find all Pigeons.
  • Complete the Taskmaster Challenges.
  • Stop every Thug, Demon, Prisoner, and Sable Crimes.

Once you’ve reached 100% completion of every district, it’s time to move onto part 2.

Beat Spider-Man

Beat Spider-Man

You will need to have beaten the game.

To unlock the Undies Suit you need to have beaten the game. This means completing every story mission, seeing the credits, and returning to the open free roam world. Once you’ve beaten the game and 100% every district, you will receive the Undies suit in your suit collection.

Equipping the Undies Suit

Undies Suit Spider-Man PS4

You will find the Undies Suit in the Suits menu when it is unlocked.

After you’ve unlocked the Undies suit, go ahead and equip it. Like other suits in the game, you will find the Undies suit under the suits tab. It is the last suit before the Homemade Suit. Unlocking the Undies suit unlocks the Suit Power of Equalizer, which makes enemies go down with one hit (while making you vulnerable to one hit as well).

More: Unlock the Dark Suit using our guide.

Thoughts on our how to get the Undies Suit in Spider-Man? Let us hear them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

4 responses

  1. Cyndaquil says:

    I have the suit, but I don’t seem to have the equalizer ability. Maybe it’s because I’m not done with landmarks.

  2. oof says:

    wow why is it pantz

  3. 8dragontamer says:

    no doesnt matter which order u do it in u just have to beat the game and 100% all districts

  4. Nathan says:

    shit i beat the game before doing every thing 100 is that bad

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