How to Open The Seraphites Safes in The Last of Us 2

The Seraphites is a mission players will need to complete as they playthrough the main story of The Last of Us Part II. In this mission players are attempting to reach the hospital but must first make the long journey through the surrounding area. What makes The Seraphites an interesting level is the fact is has two safes in it. To help you open both of these safes use our how to open The Seraphites Safes in The Last of Us Part II guide below.

How to Open The Seraphites Apartment Safe

Image showing how to enter The Seraphites in The Last of Us Part II.
Image showing the first Seraphites safe in The Last of Us Part II.

The first safe in The Seraphites level can be found in the apartment building you can enter by climbing up the white truck on Route 5. When you reach this first apartment head into the next room that is behind the brown door to get to the safe. To open the first Seraphites safe use the combination 08 10 83. This combination comes from information in the Evacuation Letter collectible and the calendar in this apartment. Inside this safe you will find ammo and supplements.

How to Open The Seraphites Pharmacy Safe

Image showing the front of Weston's Pharmacy.
Image showing the Pharmacy Safe in Weston's Pharmacy.

Just before the hospital you will need to make your way through Weston’s Pharmacy. In the pharmacy look for a hole in the wall between two shelves. Go through this hole to reach the pharmacy’s back room. In this back room you will find the safe. To open the pharmacy safe input the combination 38-55-23. This solution comes from the Pharmacy Note you can find behind the front desk. Inside this safe you will find a collection of supplies including ammo.

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