How to Save Takemura in Cyberpunk 2077

During the second act of Cyberpunk 2077 you partner with an NPC named Takemura. This NPC will guide you through most of the main missions of this act. The final mission of the act culminates with a parade in Japantown. After this parade V and Takemura are attacked in their hideout. Normally Takemura dies here. We are going to change that. See how to save Takemura in Cyberpunk 2077 below.

Don’t Follow the Mission Path, Go Upstairs Instead

Complete the Search and Destroy mission up to the hideout. Knock four times to enter then speak to Hanako. Once you are done speaking to Hanako the hideout is raided by some soldiers. V gets knocked out during the raid and wakes up seperated from Takemura. At this point you will need to go against your instincts and ignore the mission prompts.

Image showing where to go to save Takemura in Cyberpunk 2077.

When you have control of V and your objective is to leave the building don’t. Instead head forward until you see a hole in the wall next to a neon cross. Go through the hole and head down the hallway until you see some stairs going up. Go up the stairs and your objective will change to saving Takemura.

Clear out the enemies and push forward until you reach a room that has Takemura and three enemies inside it. Clear the enemies and speak to Takemura. Takemura will then follow you. Make your way out of the building to save him. Saving Takemura here will open up path to a specific ending Achievement/Trophy.

Thoughts on our how to save Takemura in Cyberpunk 2077 guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

1 response

  1. John says:

    Wow I really wish I knew this earlier, I’m at the point of no return and i don’t even know if I have a save around that point

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