How to Unlock Nancy – Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 features a number of unlockable items, weapons, and even vehicles. Early I showed you how to unlock the Magnopulser special weapon and I’m back with a new unlock, only this time it’s a vehicle. This vehicle is a Jeep given to you by Hurk Sr. and is aptly named Nancy. Below I will show you how to unlock Nancy in Far Cry 5.

Complete The Prodigal Son

Map location of Fort Drubman in Far Cry 5.

The first mission is located at Fort Drubman (in the northeast corner of Jacob’s Region). When you arrive here you will get sent on a mission by Hank Sr. is called The Prodigal Son. This mission involves getting Nancy back from the cult. Follow Hurk Jr. as he directs you to where the truck is being held. Once you’ve reached the truck, you will drive it back to Fort Drubman and complete the mission. This unlocks Hurk Jr. as a specialist and also allows you to do the next mission, “Make Hope Great Again.”

Complete Make Hope Great Again

After getting Nancy back, Hurk Sr. will have another mission for you. This mission is called Make Hope Great Again and involves clearing out a road crossing. This road crossing is located southwest of the Fort Drubman and features a number of enemies. Make your way there.

The crossroads after the Make Hope Great Again mission is complete.

At the crossing you need to defeat waves of enemies as they come. There are a number of enemies here (including helicopters), so make sure you are ready for the fight. Once you defeat all the enemies, the mission will be complete and you will earn Nancy as a reward.

How to Use Nancy

Hurk Sr.'s Nancy truck after being spawned into game.

Since Nancy is a vehicle, it can be spawned in at any Garage after it is unlocked. The vehicle itself is similar to other jeeps with mounted machine guns in the game, but it has a number of Hurk Sr. decals on it.

More: Far Cry 5 walkthroughs and guides

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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