How to Unlock the Guardian Armor Set in Monster Hunter World

The newest expansion for everyone’s favorite monster hunting game, Monster Hunter World Iceborne is finally upon us. With the release of this new expansion has come some celebratory gifts from Capcom. One gift Capcom is giving players is the Guardian armor set. Read below how to unlock the Guardian armor set in Monster Hunter World.

Note: The Guardian armor set can be unlocked two ways: starting a new character and on an existing character.

How to Unlock the Guardian Set on New Character

If you start the game with a new character you can unlock the Guardian armor set from the start. To do this simply start a new game and reach the Character Creation screen. On this screen select the Default Armor option and switch it to Guardian α+. This ensures you start with the Guardian armor set on your fresh character.

How to Unlock the Guardian Set on an Existing Character

Image showing how to claim the Guardian armor set.

If you have an existing character you can unlock the Guardian Set like you would normally other bonus sets. Make your way to your living quarters and speak to your Housekeeper. Select “Claim Add-On & Bonuses”, then “Armor Set: Guardian”. This will add the Guardian set to your inventory. Apply the set by visiting an Item Box.

Thoughts on our how to unlock the Guardian armor set in Monster Hunter World guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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