How to Unlock the Penny 14 Heart Event in Stardew Valley

In the new 1.4 update of Stardew Valley ConcernedApe added new Heart Events to unlock with your spouses. These Heart Events take place at 14 Hearts. To help you unlock each new Heart Event I am writing a guide for each spouse. The guide below shows you how to unlock the Penny 14 Heart Event in Stardew Valley.

How to Reach 14 Hearts with Penny?

Image showing Penny with 14 Hearts in Stardew Valley.

To unlock the new event you first need to reach 14 hearts with Penny. You should already be around 10 since you’ve married her. To quickly raise the hearts with Penny you will want to give her the any of the following favorite items until you reach 14 Hearts:

  • Diamond.
  • Emerald.
  • Melon.
  • Poppy.
  • Poppyseed Muffin.
  • Red Plate.
  • Roots Platter.
  • Sandfish.
  • Tom Kha Soup.

Once you’ve reached 14 Hearts with Penny you need to trigger the next portion of the Heart Event. To do this enter the house when Penny is home after 3 PM (she is home on Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday).

Enter House to Learn Penny Wants to Re-Decorate

Image showing that Penny wants to re-decorate in Stardew Valley.

When you enter your house you will trigger a cutscene. During this cutscene Penny asks if you’ve had a good day. Answer with whatever and she will reply then hug you. After this she will talk a little bit then mention she wants to re-decorate the bedroom. She will ask you for a theme:

  • Forest and Moon: Peaceful Blue.
  • Strawberry Home.
  • Pirate Theme.
  • I don’t want any changes (this ends the event).

Make your selection (I suggest picking a theme). Penny will then say she needs a few days. Pass the time however you see fit.

Wake Up To Re-Decorated Room

Image showing the re-decorated Pirate Room in Stardew Valley.

Since you eventually need to sleep you will awaken to a re-decorated room on the third day. Depending on the theme you chose your room will look different than the one pictured above (Pirate). During this cutscene Penny will speak to you and ask you if you like it. After the cutscene the Heart Event ends.

That’s all you need to know to complete the Penny 14 Heart Event. This event highlights Penny living in a trailer for most of her life. If you recall while you are dating her she mentions wanting a home. Now she finally has one. What did you think of this event? Let me know in the comments below.

Thoughts on our how to unlock the Penny 14 Heart Event in Stardew Valley? Drop a comment in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

2 responses

  1. Bobo says:

    When Penny redecorates, what happens to all the decorations you already had in the room? Should I store them away in preparation for this heart event? Also, once you pick a theme, do you know if there is any way to re-trigger the event and pick a different one? (Also this comment system is weird, I apologize if I end up posting duplicate comments)

    • Mattfish says:

      She puts any items you had in the room into a chest she puts in with all the other furniture, so none of it gets erased entirely. You should move chests with items in the bedroom to somewhere outside of the bedroom though. If you have a garden pot in the bedroom with a plant it it, the plant will die. Not sure about resetting it but you could divorce her, wipe her memory, and re marry her for the event (only if heart events get reset, Im not sure)

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