How to Use the Hammer of Proving in Destiny 2

Season 13 is now underway in Destiny 2 and with it comes some new gameplay additions. One of the additions is a hammer called the Hammer of Proving. This hammer is given to during the H.E.L.M. questline and is a key component in the gameplay elements of the Battleground game mode. This hammer is not a weapon (sorry Thor fans), but instead works like the lure from last season. To learn more about this hammer see our how to use the Hammer of Proving in Destiny 2 guide below.

How to Put Cabal Gold into the Hammer of Proving

Image showing how to slot a medallion in Destiny 2's Hammer of Proving.

Once you have the Hammer of Proving you will be tasked with collecting a new item called Cabal Gold. Cabal Gold is the Hammer of Proving’s main currency. Once you’ve acquired 14 Cabal Gold you can use it to place a mod inside the hammer. This will allow you to charge the hammer during the Battleground mission (more on that in a bit). To use Cabal Gold to place a medallion in the hammer complete the following steps:

  1. Open Quest Screen.
  2. Highlight Hammer of Proving and hit Details.
  3. Hover over empty slot and purchase a medallion.

Upon slotting in the medallion you will want to fire up a Battleground mission. This will allow you to use the Hammer of Proving to gain a charge.

How to Charge the Hammer of Proving

Image showing how to charge the Hammer of Proving.

Complete a Battleground run from the Playlist so you spawn in the reward chest at the end. At this point you can use the hammer to destroy what is called the Trial chest. These chests spawn around the reward chest at the end of the level (three spawn in). To destroy the chest approach it and you will be prompted to smash it. Do this to get one charge.

What to Do with Hammer of Proving Charges

Image showing What to Do with Hammer of Proving Charges in Destiny 2.

Once you have a charge on your Hammer of Proving you should head back to H.E.L.M. Using the charge from the hammer you can acquire focused Umbral Engrams from the Prismatic Recaster. This allows you to narrow down the loot you are hunting for in a more controlled manner.

That’s all you need to know about how to use the Hammer of Proving in Destiny 2. This item is one of the central gameplay elements in Destiny 2‘s Season 13. You will be using this item a lot over the coming month.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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