It’s a Meme Mario!

Another week is in the books and all of us now one week closer to death (#FeelsBadMan). While depressing, there is also a beauty in knowing life is finite and should be filled with spending time on things you love. One things gamers love is a certain Italian Plumber named Mario! This love overflows into various corners of the internet and emerges in the forms of dank Mario memes. Check out some funny Mario memes, and enjoy your Monday!

1. The Jump of Doom! (Source)

meme mario

2. Get Out Mario. (Source)

mario meme

3. This Could Be a Problem (Source)memes mario

4. Mario Kart Giveth (Source)


5. Mario Logic (Source)

meme mario

6. This Hurts (Source)

mario memes

7. Even Mario has Bad Days (Source)

meme mario

8. This Could Be a Crossover (Source)

meme mario

9. Every Mario Should Have the Hat (Source)

meme mario

10. All Hail Super Mario Odyssey (Source)

meme mario

11. More Mario Logic (Source)

meme mario

12. Mario Kart is Fickle (Source)

meme mario

13. Unlikely Friendship? (Source)

meme mario

14. Mario Kart in a Koopa Shell (Source)

meme mario

15. Mario Dangerous Thought (Source)

meme mario


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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