It’s a Meme Mario!

16. This is Important (Source)

meme mario

17. Every Time (Source)

meme mario

18. Truth (Source)

meme mario

19. BOO! (Source)

meme mario

20. This is Definitely Kratos (Source)

meme mario

21. I’m a ScatMario (Source)

meme mario

22. Have We Seen Odyssey Before? (Source)

meme mario

23. Fake News (Source)

meme mario

24. Super Odd Jobyssey (Source)

meme mario

25. Slip (Source)

meme mario

26. Save the Turtles (Source)

meme mario

27. Almost (Source)

meme mario

28. When Modders are Ahead of the Game (Source)meme mario

29. The Nose is a Character (Source)

meme mario

30. New Donk City Uber (Source)

meme mario

After delving into the Meme Mario rabbit hole, I have come to the realization that the internet is a strange and wonderful place. Shout out to all the creative people who put together these laughs for all of us to enjoy. Have a good Monday everyone! And remember, it’s a meme Mario!

More memes

What did you think of this meme mario collection? Let me know in the Pit below. Or don’t that’s cool too.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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