League of Legends 2016 World Finals

The League of Legends 2016 World Finals just wrapped up, with Samsung Galaxy facing off against champion favorites SK Telecom T1. The best – of – five series held at the iconic Staples Center in Los Angeles, California saw SK Telecom chase their third League of Legends championship. Both teams vied for $2 Million of an ever growing prize pool, as well as the Summoner’s Cup.  The matchup was exciting to say the least with fans getting to see some tremendous play out of both teams.

Game 1 – SKT Wins


Duke (Top) – Trundle

Faker (Mid) – Orianna

Bang (ADC) – Jhin

Wolf (Support) – Karma

Bengi (Jungle) – Olaf


CuVee (Top) – Poppy

Crown (Mid) – Viktor

Ruler (ADC) – Caitlyn

CoreJJ (Support) – Zyra

Ambition (Jungle) – Lee Sin

Game 2 – SKT Wins


Duke (Top) – Gnar

Faker (Mid) – Ryze

Bang (ADC) – Jhin

Wolf (Support) – Nami

Bengi (Jungle) – Lee Sin


CuVee (Top) – Kennen

Crown (Mid) – Cassiopeia

Ruler  (ADC) – Caitlyn

CoreJJ (Support) – Karma

Ambition (Jungle) – Kindred


First Blood – SSG

First Turret – SKT

Notes – SKT was absolutely dominant in game two. While SSG looked good and competitive in game one, SKT really applied pressure and played their methodical game in game two. SSG attempted to win early game, but was easily rebuked by SKT. SKT quickly snowballed and focused on gaining vision. SKT creeped slowly onto SSG side and had total map vision. 30 min ACE for SKT inside base without taking any inhib towers. SSG is done. SKT wins and moves to 2 – 0 in series.

Game 3 – SSG Wins


Duke (Top) -Trundle

Faker (Mid) – Orianna

Bang (ADC) – Jhin

Wolf (Support) – Nami

Bengi (Jungle) – Elise


CuVee (Top) – Poppy

Crown (Mid) – Aurielion Sol

Ruler  (ADC) – Ezreal

CoreJJ (Support) – Zyra

Ambition (Jungle) – Lee Sin


First Blood – SKT

First Turret – SKT

Notes – Slow start to the game. Definitely feels like an elimination match. SSG played much more defensive (rightfully so). SSG did a better job of defending vision this game versus game two. After first turret, SSG started getting picked off. Map movement was just unreal by SKT. SSG had good dragon control so that’s something… SKT continually picked off SSG players. SSG gets first kill at +25 mins into game.

In a strange play, SKT starts Baron, loses team fight and SSG ends up getting the Baron. SSG uses Baron to take four towers. Had potential to bring SSG back. Tons of action around Baron pit. SKT takes Baron, but loses Baron pit fight allowing SSG to push up middle and take two inhibs. SSG lazer focused on Faker, jump on him in every team fight. SSG grab three inhibitors… Both teams play defensive. Not much happens. Dragon up. Ambition with Dragon Steal into Baron. Leads to three inhibitors down. Onslaught in SKT base. SSG did it!

Game 4 – SSG Wins


Duke (Top) – Gnar

Faker (Mid) – Orianna

Bang (ADC) – Ashe

Wolf (Support) – Nami

Blank (Jungle) – Zac


CuVee (Top) – Kennen

Crown (Mid) – Viktor

Ruler  (ADC) – Jhin

CoreJJ (Support) – Karma

Ambition (Jungle) – Lee Sin


First Blood – SSG

First Turret – SSG

Notes – Blank subbed in for Bengi on SKT. Slow start to game four. At 15 minutes, no kills for either team. SSG makes a few plays post 15 minutes, picking up a couple kills and the first turret of the game. SKT answers back with a kill and turret. Team fight results in a one for one trade. SSG playing really good. Takes a few team fights and manages to push two inhibs down. SKT not rolling over, manage to grab a few kills from SSG while waiting for inhibs to come back up. Ambition keeps getting caught by SKT. SSG still manages to grab three inhibitors. SSG has control, but SKT hanging around. Fight at Dragon causes SKT to force things, lose team fight. SSG marches into SKT base. Three inhibitors down. SSG TAKES GAME 4. WE GET A GAME 5!

Game 5 – SKT


Duke (Top) – Trundle

Faker (Mid) – Viktor

Bang (ADC) – Ashe

Wolf (Support) – Braum

Blank (Jungle) – Lee Sin


CuVee (Top) – Poppy

Crown (Mid) – Cassiopeia

Ruler  (ADC) – Jhin

CoreJJ (Support) – Tahm Kench

Ambition (Jungle) – Olaf


First Blood – SKT

First Turret – SSG

Notes – Slow start to the game. Both sides appeared to be tentative in making any really decisive moves, but SSG came out a bit stronger then SKT. Not many big plays. Both sides picked their spots and player their games. SKT managed to comeback and wrestle control away from SSG around the 30 minute mark. The slow burn of SKT’s methodical play was to much for SSG to handle. Three inhibitors taken and dragon had the game closed at 48:00. SKT are third time World Champions!

Congratulations to both SSG and SKT for a phenomenal series. 6 and a half hours of league is in the books and SKT are World Champions. First defending World Champions in League history.

What did you think of the League of Legends 2016 World Finals? Did you watch League of Legends 2016 World Finals? Game 3 was crazy! Why is SKT so good? Let me know in the Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

2 responses

  1. Film Ape says:

    So the teams don’t even have cool names, they are just named after the companies that sponsor them?

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