Leviathan Reef Base – Carrion Guide and Walkthrough

Upon unlocking the invisibility skill you will be able to access the Leviathan Reef Base through a pipe in the Frontier. This level has a new ability in it and is broken up into two parts: Leviathan Reef Base and Leviathan Reef Base – Bridge. To complete the first part of this level use our Carrion Leviathan Reef Base guide below.

Leviathan Reef Base Guide

The Leviathan Reef Base is a two part area. The first area you will explore is home to three hives and an ability. As the name of this base suggests there are a number of underwater segments so get your wet suit ready. Below you will find the correct path through this level and where to find the hives and ability.

Leviathan Reef Base Hive 1

Leave the starting area and head down into the next room. Inside this room head through the pipe leading into the area above. Defeat the enemies in this room and use the switch in the right corner to open the gate in the water below. After you’ve opened this gate head back to the pipe you came into this area to find another pipe heading down into the water. Take this pipe and head to the right through the now open gate to reach the next room.

Go through the only pipe heading up on in this room to leave the water. Defeat the enemies in this room then smash the wood. Once the wood is smashed head through the left door to reach the previous room. Pull the switch in this room to open a path back to the biomass pool above. Drop some biomass and head back to the room on you right. Use the Cobweb ability on the switch to open gate above. Clear out the two enemies here then go through the door in the bottom right. Head down the pipe into the next room.

Image showing the location of the first hive in the Leviathan Reef Base level of Carrion.

Head through the next room and use the pipe to reach the water in the room below. Hang a left in the water to reach another underway area. Head to the very left of this underwater room and go into the pipe there to reach a switch. Pull the switch to open the gate underneath you. Go out the pipe and head down through the gate you just opened. To the left when you land is the first hive of this area.

Leviathan Reef Base Hive 2

Image showing the location of the second hive in the Leviathan Reef Base in Carrion.

From the hive above head down through the the room killing the three enemies until you reach the pipe on the right wall heading right. Go through the pipe to the right to reach another underwater section. Don’t bother going up instead go through the pipe leading right. Pull the crate in this room and head to the right to access the second hive. When this hive is created a new path will appear for you.

Leviathan Reef Base Ability: Hyrdophilia

Image showing the location of the Leviathan Reef Base Ability Hyrdophilia.

Head down the new path that was created from hive two and fight the drone that appears. Defeat this drone and head into the room below that opens when the drone is defeated. Clear out the enemies in this room and consume the bodies if needed. Destroy the wood walls on the left pipe and go through it to reach a room with the Hyrophilia ability in it. Grab this ability to turn into worms when you are in the water. This makes it easier to pass through small places like the one you have to pass through to leave the ability room.

Leviathan Reef Base Hive 3

Image showing the location of the third hive in the Leviathan Reef Base in Carrion.

Leave the ability room by swimming through the small squares blocking the path up. Go up through this path into the next room continue swimming. Keep head up through the next two rooms to reach a pipe that is also going up. Take this pipe up to reach the third hive in the Leviathan Reef Base. When this last hive is activated you will open the exit of the level. There will also be a new path formed.

Take the newly formed path to the pipe heading to the left to reach a new room. Inside this new room you will encounter the hardest enemy type in the game which is the mech. Mechs can easily kill you if you attempt to take them head on. Instead what you want to do is hit and run as much as possible. Ideally you can pull pieces of the mech off to reveal the driver inside which allows you to pull them out to be consumed.

Regardless of how you take on this enemy you need to defeat it to open the gate in the bottom right corner of the room. Once this gate is open you can head through the pipe going down into the water area. Swim directly down into the next pipe to reach the levels exit. When you go through this exit you reach a new area in the Frontier.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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