Lost in the Process Guide – Watch Dogs Legion

After you complete the Digging Up The Past story mission in Watch Dogs Legion you will unlock a new missions called Lost in the Process. This mission takes you to the European Processing Center in Lambeth. Inside this center you need to meet a contact that will kick off this mission. To help you get this mission complete use our guide below.

Meet the Contact at the EPC

Make your way to the EPC and sneak past the security blocking the entrance. Once inside the arena make your way down the hallway until you reach the inner-stadium. Here the contact can be found standing on a raised platform. Speak to the contact to kick off the mission and get your first real objective.

Access the EPC Database

Image showing where to access the EPC Database during the Lost in the Process mission in Watch Dogs Legion.

Once you speak to the contact you will get the first objective. The objective you get is to access the EPC Database inside the EPC. This database is located inside a restricted area on the north-side of the inner-stadium. Reaching the database is fairly straightforward. Avoid the three guards guarding the outer section and make your way up one floor. On the second floor use the Spiderbot to crawl through the vent to get the door key. Use the door key to reach the database sitting on the desk.

Download the Clinic’s AR Data and Investigate It

After you’ve acquired the database head back to where you met the contact and interact with the nearby server there to gain access to the Clinic’s AR data. Take this data and head down to the entrance to the Carcani Medical clinic. Before you can enter you need to complete the circuit. Hijack the camera in the middle of the clinic then rotate everything so the electricity is flowing. This will open the door for you.

Run into the clinic and you will find a bloody air canister on the ground. Approach it and trigger the AR reconstruction. Analyse the medical personnel that gets hit by the canister when prompted. After this occurs wait for the holographic person to run out of the clinic. Follow the hologram through the camp until you reach the end of the mission.

Once you complete the chase you will get a bit of a lore dump. Simply listen or skip this sequence to move onto the next story mission called Clan Kelley’s New Export.

Thoughts on our Lost in the Process guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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