Milk Bottle Locations in Yoshi’s Crafted World

The last souvenir you need to collect in the Sunshine Station area of Yoshi’s Crafted World is 5 milk bottles. Below I will show you the Milk Bottle locations in Yoshi’s Crafted World.

Milk Bottle 1: Backside of House

Milk Bottle 1 Backside of House

After you take the train ride at the begin of the level, make your way along the path going to the left. When you see the egg block, look to the left and you will find the first milk bottle along the backside of a house in the background.

Milk Bottle 2: Inside of House

Milk Bottle 2 Inside of House

Continue left along the path through the town until you reach a school bus with a green shy guy on it. In the background you will see house with the milk bottle inside it.

Milk Bottle 3: Along Train Tracks

Milk Bottle 3 Along Train Tracks

Head right from the school bus and look for train tracks in the background. Along the train tracks you will find the third milk bottle.

Milk Bottle 4: Beside Moo Moo Meadow Milk Carton

Milk Bottle 4 Beside Moo Moo Meadow Milk Carton

Make your way right of the town and you will see a Moo Moo Meadow Milk Carton in the background. Next to this milk carton is the fourth milk bottle.

Milk Bottle 5: By Paper Airplane

Milk Bottle 5 By Paper Airplane

The last milk bottle can be found beside the Paper Airplane. The Paper Airplane is located by the pipe that constantly spawns the shy guy along the pathway near the end of the level.

Upon collecting all five of the milk bottles, you can return to the flower bot to receive a flower. That’s all there is to it.

Thoughts on our guide to the milk bottle locations in Yoshi’s Crafted World? Drop them in The Pit below.


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