Mortal Shell Shells

In Mortal Shell you inhabit the shells of different warriors you encounter as you journey through the different locations of the game. These shells have different abilities and play styles which creates a sort of class system in-game. To keep track of the different shells and their abilities here’s our all Mortal Shell shells list.

Harros, the Vassal

Image showing the Harros, the Vassal shell in Mortal Shell.

The first shell you can unlock in Mortal Shell is Harros, the Vassal. This shell can be found at the end of the left path of the T intersection outside the cave you enter Fallgrim through at the start of the game. Harros can be viewed as the warrior class in-game. This shell is a jack-of-all trades with decent health, stamina, and a collection of abilities that compliment the warrior play style. When you’ve learned the name of this shell you will get the following lore bit:

Harros, the Vassal

The brigands pointed us toward the temple. Shunned by the Devout, their allegiance lie with those who offer Tar or spirits. They entertain themselves with drunken antics or violent cruelties. They know better than to attack us, but they followed us at a distance hoping for scraps.Mortal Shell

Harros, the Vassal Abilities

Alongside this lore chunk you will also unlock the abilities of this shell. Abilities are essentially passive bonuses that apply to this shell when they are purchased. The Harros, The Vassal shell has the following abilities:

  • Accretion of Foresight: Picking up a glimpse has a chance to restore some health – (700 Tar; 6 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Dominance: For a short time after hardening, enemies killed have a chance to drop an additional glimpse – (700 Tar; 7 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Resolve: Harden cooldown is reduced by 25% – (700 Tar; 3 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Inheritance: Hardening lasts for twice as long upon being broken – (700 Tar; 8 Glimpses).
  • Recollection of Death: Regain last chance upon defeating enough foes – (4,000 Tar; 25 Glimpses).
  • Recollection of Knowledge: Harden in the air to create a devastating area of impact upon landing. Foes killed by the blast may drop additional glimpse – (2,500 Tar; 15 Glimpses).
  • Recollection of Strength: Put your enemies off balance with a powerful kick – (1,000 Tar; 6 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Yearning: Adds a chance for enemies to drop an additional glimpse on death – (1,100 Tar; 8 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Endurance: Gaining a glimpse has a chance to restore some health (500 Tar; 6 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Ascent: Killing two enemies in quick succession resets your harden cooldown – (500 Tar; 2 Glimpses).

If you want to play a shell that is a decent damage dealer, while still having some health, Harros, the Vassal is currently the best choice for that playstyle. With the abilities listed above you can really make this shell into a competent all-arounder.

Solomon, the Scholar

Image showing the Solomon, The Scholar Shell in Mortal Shell.

Solomon is the second shell you will find in Mortal Shell as it is located in a cave behind Fallgrim Tower. To reach this cave you will enter the large cave with the Grisha boss in it. Inside the Grisha cave you will find a ramp leading down. At the bottom of this ramp is a tunnel that you can go through once the wood is hacked away. Inside this tunnel is the Solomon shell. When you’ve learned the name of this shell you will get the following lore bit:

Existence is a curious matter. The greatest triumph in the universe, gifted and squandered. I shan’t make the same mistake as my brother. When the moment comes, I’ll exercise restraint. Mortal Shell

Solomon, the Scholar Abilities

Alongside this lore chunk you will also unlock the abilities of this shell. Abilities are essentially passive bonuses that apply to this shell when they are purchased. The Solomon, The Scholar shell has the following abilities:

  • Accretion of Ascent: Killing an enemy with an empowered riposte has chance to restore all resolve – (3,000 Tar; 20 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Inheritance: Solomon gains a small amount of resolve when being struck while hardened – (1,100 Tar; 8 Glimpses).
  • Recollection of Death: Regain last chance upon defeating enough foes – (4,000 Tar; 25 Glimpses).
  • Recollection of Knowledge: Harden in the air to create a devastating area of impact upon landing. Foes killed by the blast may drop additional glimpse – (2,500 Tar; 15 Glimpses).
  • Recollection of Strength: Put your enemies off balance with a powerful kick – (1,000 Tar; 6 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Yearning: When talking to an NPC, Solomon gains a segment of resolve (500 Tar; 2 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Foresight: Solomon becomes familiar with items more quickly and gains a glimpse on reading lore for the first time (1,100 Tar; 8 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Dominance: The duration of time enemies remain hardened when you are separated from Solomon is increased – (1,000 Tar; 6 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Resolve: When holding a sacred gland Solomon gains 25 maximum health, when not holding a gland Solomon gains one maximum resolve segment – (2,500 Tar; 15 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Endurance: Solomon has a chance to heal on using a weapon ability to slay an enemy – (500 Tar; 2 Glimpses).

Solomon is an interesting shell given his affinity for Resolve. With Resolve players are able to use a number of abilities like special weapon attacks, parries, etc. If you pride yourself on being a parry god this shell appears to be designed for you.

Tiel, the Acolyte

Image showing the Tiel, The Acolyte Shell in Mortal Shell.

Another shell you will unlock in Mortal Shell is Tiel, the Acolyte. This shell is located inside the cave that holds Ven Noctivagu (same location as the beta) in the Fallgrim Outskirts of. The Tiel shell can be viewed as the rogue/glass-cannon class in-game. This shell has relatively low durability (health) and resolve, but very high stamina. The main goal of this shell is to get in, deal some damage, and get out using well timed dodges. Like the other shells you will find Tiel has abilities that compliment its play style. When you’ve learned the name of this shell you will get the following lore bit:

They foretold a truth more terrifying than any other. Those who glimpse it behold no monster other than an utter lack of meaning. The visage of a razor thin line between existence and nonexistence and nothing in between.Mortal Shell

Tiel, the Acolyte Abilities

Alongside this lore chunk you will also unlock the abilities of this shell. Abilities are essentially passive bonuses that apply to this shell when they are purchased. The Tiel, The Acolyte shell has the following abilities:

  • Accretion of Endurance: Gain a damage bonus when low on stamina – (750 Tar; 4 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Ascent: Tiel gains a 20% chance to lose stamina instead of health on taking damage – (800 Tar; 9 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Yearning: Taking poison damage heals Tiel for a portion of the damage which would have been dealt – (900 Tar; 9 Glimpses).
  • Accretion Foresight: On Empowered Riposte, Tiel will sometimes release a poisonous cloud – (700 Tar; 6 Glimpses).
  • Recollection of Death: Regain last chance upon defeating enough foes – (4,000 Tar; 25 Glimpses).
  • Recollection of Knowledge: Harden in the air to create a devastating area of impact upon landing. Foes killed by the blast may drop additional glimpse – (2,500 Tar; 15 Glimpses).
  • Recollection of Strength: Put your enemies off balance with a powerful kick – (1,000 Tar; 6 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Resolve: Sprinting doesn’t consume Tiel’s stamina – (3,000 Tar; 20 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Dominance: On killing an enemy, Tiel gains a buff which poisons enemies on hit. Lose this buff when you are are hit – (1,100 Tar; 8 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Inheritance: Striking a poisoned enemy increases the chances Tiel’s other passives will trigger – (2,500 Tar; 15 Glimpses).

If you want to play a shell that is a high-risk, high-reward, Tiel perfectly suits this play style. With limited health you will rely on the shell’s shadow-dash ability to avoid most damage. Alongside this dodge there are a number of abilities from this shell that tie in nicely to frenetic combat style.

Eredrim, the Venerable Shell

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The final shell in Mortal Shell is Eredrim, The Venerable. This shell can be located outside the entrance to the Seat of Infinity in the Fallgrim Outskirts. Eredrim is a tank/defense focused shell that has the capacity to deal large amounts of damage thanks to one of his passive abilities. When you’ve learned the name of this shell you will get the following lore bit:

The Ovate made promises of an end to war and human suffering. Promises all were desperate to hear. Myself not least, for I”d seen my share of tragedy. I scratched my name in their book, swearing myself to the deathless doctrine. My armor clattered on the ice as I knelt before them and asked myself if I would ever be worthy.Mortal Shell

Eredrim, the Venerable Abilities

Alongside this lore chunk you will also unlock the abilities of this shell. Abilities are essentially passive bonuses that apply to this shell when they are purchased. The Eredrim, The Venerable shell has the following abilities:

  • Accretion of Ascent: Eredrim’s attacks deal additional poise damage, causing enemies to stagger more frequently – (1,100 Tar; 8 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Inheritance: Eredrim deals extra damage against enemies who are alone – (2,500 Tar; 15 Glimpses).
  • Recollection of Death: Regain last chance upon defeating enough foes – (4,000 Tar; 25 Glimpses).
  • Recollection of Knowledge: Harden in the air to create a devastating area of impact upon landing. Foes killed by the blast may drop additional glimpse – (2,500 Tar; 15 Glimpses).
  • Recollection of Strength: Put your enemies off balance with a powerful kick – (1,000 Tar; 6 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Yearning: Eredrim is occasionally able to resist being knocked down – (500 Tar; 2 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Foresight: On kill, Eredrim gains a buff which reduces damage taken by 5% for 10 seconds – (500 Tar; 2 Glimpses)
  • Accretion of Dominance: Upon reclaiming Eredrim your next attack will deal massive damage, sometimes exploding your enemies into a bloody mist – (3,000 Tar; 20 Glimpses).
  • Accretion of Resolve: Eredrim gains an execution stack upon killing an enemy, each stack increases base attack damage. Stacks are lost when separating from Eredrim – (1,100 Tar; 8 Glimpses)
  • Accretion of Endurance: Eredrim’s Max HP is increased by 15% – (1,000 Tar; 6 Glimpses).

Of all the shells listed Eredrim is the most forgiving for players to play. Given the shell’s ample health and focus on defense you can screw up a lot in combat and sill manage to survive. You can also stack a fair amount of damage with one of his passive abilities which makes it easier to kill enemies.

That’s all four of the Mortal Shell shells in the game. There is a nice bit of variety between the different play styles of each which allows you to really experiment while playing the game.

Thoughts on the Mortal Shell Playable Shells? Drop a comment in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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