Ninja, KingRichard, and Dizzy Crowned Twitch Rivals Apex Legends Tournament Winners

On February 12 Twitch held the first major tournament for new BR darling Apex Legends. During the tournament teams of popular streamers competed against one another to see who could rack up the most points over a four-hour span. The winners of the tournament ended up being the team of Ninja, KingRichard, and Dizzy who pulled out a major performance in the final game of the day.

A Close Final Match

These are the final standings for the NA portion of the Twitch Rivals Apex Legends tournament. Via Twitch Rivals.

Heading into the final match of the day, King’s Canyon (Ninja, KingRichard, and Dizzy) found themselves jockeying with Reid’s Money Team (Chocotaco, Vsnz, and Huskerrs) for first place. During the final game, King’s Canyon pulled off a spectacular performance (via a win) to secure the top spot by a mere 1 point. At the end of the day King’s Canyon totalled 420 points (and $8,000) while Reid’s Money Team totalled 419 points (and $7000). For a complete look at how all the teams placed, check out the Final Standings photo shared by Twitch Rivals above.

Apex Legends Rises to The Top

If you’ve been following the release of Apex Legends you will have noticed that Respawn Entertainment appears to have a hit on their hands. This new take on the BR genre has been welcomed wholeheartedly by the gaming community, who continue to flock to the free-to-play game. The Twitch Rivals tournament helped further cement Apex Legends top game status as the tournament itself was watched by well over 600k.

Twitch Rivals is holding a second portion of the Apex Legends tournament on February 19 starting at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET / 5 PM GMT. If today’s tourney was any indication, fans are in for a treat as players continue to get better over the coming week.

Thoughts on the Twitch Rivals Apex Legends tournament winners? Let me hear them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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