Overwatch Summer Games Update Coming

If you didn’t know, or didn’t care, the Olympic Summer games are happening at the end of the week and Overwatch appears to be getting into the spirit of the games with a new Summer Games update. The new Blizzard update will run alongside the Summer Games and will offer players access to new skins and items.

Summer Games Update Announcement

The new seasonal event will center around, Lúcioball. Lúcioball features a new map, which is basically a futuristic looking soccer pitch in Rio de Janeiro. In terms of game play, Lúcioball is a 3v3 mode where every player plays as Lúcio and attempts to score on the opposing teams goals (think soccer). Lúcio has received some tweaks to make the game mode more enjoyable, his primary attack is now a punch which allows the player to dribble and pass the ball. The secondary ability is a sound wave that shoots the ball over a great distance. For Lúcio’s ultimate, Sound Barrier pulls the ball toward him allowing players to get control over the ball.

While Lúcio appears to be the star of this event, all the other heroes will benefit from the seasonal event as well. Loot boxes will have items themed after the event including sprays, emotes, icons, skins, and highlight intros. Consequently matter what, every loot box will contain at least one Summer Event item. The Summer Event will not last forever so attempt to get as loot as you can (there’s more than 100 items) before the event end date, August 22nd. Once August 22nd hits, these new event items will be removed from rotation and put back in the vault.

Does this new Summer Games update appeal to you? Let me know in the Pit below. 


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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