Paper Mario: The Origami King Autumn Mountain Guide

After you destroy the Red Streamer on top of the Overlook Tower you will be able to access a new area called Autumn Mountain. Autumn Mountain can be reached by speaking to the Tram Toad on Overlook Mountain. After you talk to the Tram Toad you will take a short tram ride where you meet Bob-omb who will join your party. After the tram ride you will step foot on Autumn Mountain. To get through this area use our Paper Mario: The Origami King Autumn Mountain guide below.

Autumn Mountain Collectibles (100%)

  • 4x Collectible Treasures.
  • 17x Not-Bottomless Holes.
  • 5x ? Blocks.
  • 20x Toads.

Not all collectibles listed above can be found in the first run through of the Autumn Mountain location. You will need to complete the Water Vellumental Shrine to get access to them all.

Autumn Mountain Guide

When you step off the tram you hit the crumpled up Toad 1 on the platform to rescue the Tram Toad here. With this Toad rescued you can return to Overlook Mountain if needed. Once you’ve done this step off the platform and rescue Toad 2 next to the stairs. This Toad is Sea Captain Toad back in Toad Town. Visit him when you are back in town at a later point in the game to use his boat.

Fill in the Not-Bottomless Holes 1, 2, 3, & 4 in the nearby area then hit the ? Block 1 to get 100 coins. Head to the right of the ? Block to reach an area behind the tram station. Walk right so you are standing on the cluster of three leaves next to the fence and jump to hit a hidden ? Block 2 with a Shiny Hammer in it. Walk down from this block to the odd looking leaf next to the tram station column. Hit the leaf to reveal Toad 3.

Leave the secret area and the tram station area by heading to the left. Go down the path and Bob-omb will jump to the path below and will disappear form sight. Drop down the ledge and follow Bob-omb to learn there are rocks blocking the path. Head back up the path fighting or avoiding the enemies here until you reach the dried lake.

Cross the lake and go up the stairs to the sign for Master Oarsman’s Relaxing Downriver Tours. Hit the tuna can to the left of this sign to rescue Toad 4. Head to the right of the sign and complete the brief story part where Bob-omb talks about the Water Vellumental Shrine and you find the Water Vellumental Magic Spot. Once this is done head down the steps to the right.

At the bottom of the stairs turn left and walk along the fence to reach a spot under the stairs you can pass through to reach the treasure chest with Collectibles Treasure No.30: Fallen Leaves. Head back to the path and go down it to reach the Tall Grass Plains.

Tall Grass Plains

The Tall Grass Plains as the name suggests features tall grass that makes collectible hunting rather hard. If you have the Toad Radar I recommend using it for this area to make things slightly easier for you. If not I will attempt to give good enough directions for each collectible in this location below.

Image showing the location of the first Tall Grass Plains Toad.

You will find Toad 5 to the left of the fenced in area you pass through to enter the Tall Grass Plains.

Image showing the dead end drop that leads to the second Toad in the Tall Grass Plains.

After the Toad above follow the cliff-face all the way to the left until you reach a seemingly dead-end by the tram station. Step forward into the dead end to fall through a hole leading to a hidden cave. In this cave you will find Toad 6 who will give you HP UP +5. Leave the cave by hitting the wall next to the Spiny to have it fall on it.

Image showing the location of the third Toad in the Tall Grass Plains.

Go up the slope and repair Not-Bottomless Hole 5. Continue up the slope to reach the field again. Head forward and to the left slightly to find Toad 7.

Image showing the location of the fourth Toad in the Tall Grass Plains.

From the last Toad head to the right of the field towards the exit to find Toad 8.

Before leaving the field head up to the small shrine to the top of the screen. Go to the left of the shrine and walk through the hole in the fence to reach a ? Block 3 with a Fire Flower inside it. Walk back to the exit and use it to find out we’ve lost Bob-omb. Go back into the tall grass and follow the right fence line to the foreground to reach a small area with Bob-omb and a Shy Guy wearing a sombrero. After this interaction sit on the bench to heal then head back to the field exit and hit the save block there.

Fall Bridge and Chestnut Valley

Image showing the entrance to Chestnut Valley in Autumn Mountain.

Walk over to the Fall Bridge you see and start to walk across it. As you are walking a Macho Goomba will appear that knocks Bob-omb off the bridge. Cross the bridge and defeat the Macho Goomba. Fill in the Not-Bottomless Hole 6 next to the gate leading to Chestnut Valley and then hit Toad 9 off the tree next to the stairs.

You can go up the stairs here to explore more of Autumn Mountain, but we need to get Bob-omb back so that means heading into Chestnut Valley. To reach this location head back to the bridge and jump over the side.

After Finding Bob-omb in Chestnut Valley

After you make your way through Chestnut Valley you will return to Autumn Mountain via a slope heading up to the locked gate near the bridge. Along this slope repair Not-Bottomless Hole 7 on your right. Walk up to the stairs and head right so you can drop to the ledge below. Repair Not-Bottomless Holes 8-9 here and hit the ? Block 4 for 1,000 coins. Return to the locked gate and open it by removing the tape.

Image showing the fax room in Autumn Mountain.

Head to the right and go up the first set of stairs. Take a right at the next set and go down the path between the fence and the cliff-side to reach Collectible Treasure No.31: Toad Tram. Return to the path and go up the second stairs. Head to the right at the top and fill in Not-Bottomless Hole 10 to create a door. Go in the door an pull Toad 10 out of the fax. With this Toad freed you are able to fast travel to the Sensor Lab from this fax machine.

Head outside and go back to the main path. Repair Not-Bottomless Holes 11-12 on the cliff then fight the Goomba in your way. Continue heading to the left to reach a save block outside the shrine. Head to the left of the bridge leading to the shrine so you are off the path. Defeat the enemies here then repair the Not-Bottomless Hole 12-15. Hit the ? Block to get 100 coins. Head left and go into the cave to reach the ledge above the Toad. Knock the boulder off the ledge and use it to free Toad 11.

Return to the save block and go up the path along the cliff side to the right. Repair Not-Bottomless Hole 16 then continue following the path until you reach a treasure chest with the Collectible Treasure No.32: Confetti Bag in it. Either head back to the save block to continue the story now or follow the directions below to reach an optional area.

Optional Ledge Area

Image showing the Optional Ledge Area in Autumn Mountain.

Note: Go into the pipe listed below only if you want to do a bit of a long backtrack from the beginning of the level.

Head back and jump to the ledge with the tree and pipe on it. Hit the tree to rescue Toad 12. Go into the pipe to reach a ledge above Master Oarsman’s Relaxing Downriver Tours. Hit the red dragonfly to rescue Toad 13. Repair Not-Bottomless Hole 17 then drop down to the roof below and walk over to the but crawling on the wall. Hit the shrub to reveal a Magic Spot then use your 1,000 Fold Arms to rescue Toad 14. Make the long walk back to the shrine.

How to Enter the Water Vellumental Shrine

Back at the shrine head across the first bridge. When you are on the land between the two bridges a red and white origami fish will jump out of the water. Hit it to rescue Toad 15. Walk to the shrine door and stand on one of the switches while Bob-omb stands on the other. This opens the door allowing you to enter the Water Vellumental Shrine.

How to Fill Lake in Autumn Mountain

Image showing how to fill the lake in Autumn Mountain.

Once you’ve completed the Water Vellumental Shrine you unlock the Water Vellumental ability. With this ability you are able to fill the lake using the Magic Spot shown above. Go to this spot after the shrine and hit X to fill the lake. Once the lake is filled you will be able to cross the rocks previously blocking the path we noticed at the beginning of the level. Before doing that let’s grab some collectibles.

Head across the five floating boats to the left of the Magic Spot to reach a new area. In this area open the treasure chest to get Collectible Treasure No.33: Toad Researcher. Fill the nearby Not-Bottomless Hole 17, then hit the ? Block 5 to the left to get the hurlhammer weapon. Hit the tree to the left of the block to rescue a trio of Toads (16). From the tree head diagonally right to reach a pile of boats. Go to the end and hit the bug that appears to rescue Toad 17. After this jump on top of the boats then jump to the crates. Hit the yellow leaf there to rescue Toad 18. Jump off the crates over the fence to reach the area behind the tram. Hit the leaf pile next to the ring of coins to rescue Toad 19.

How to Use the Boat

Once you’ve gotten the collectibles above head back to the dock and walk up to the boat there. When you get on the boat Mario wills struggle to control it. Leave the dock and head over to the monkey that is on top of the cans. The monkey will throw a can at you then will run off to the Tall Grass Plains.

Where to Find the Monkey

Pick up the can the monkey threw then head to the Tall Grass Plains. When you enter the Tall Grass Plains take a right then head up to the ZZZ coming from the grass. Interact with the sleeping Spike then take him to Friendship Plaza (where you found Bob-omb with the sombrero Shy Guy) which is directly diagonal from his location.

When you walk into the area with Spike you will trigger a cutscene. Spike brought a can of ravioli to the canned food party. Now the only thing they need is the NPC with the can opener to arrive. Guess we have to find him.

Leave Friendship Plaza and head to the left until you reach the gray column. Near this column you will see something swirling in the grass. Walk up to the swirling thing and complete the wave battle. Speak to the skull wearing guy and take him to the party. This NPC forgot the can opener, but it can still open the can. After this feat of insanity walk over to the NPC and give him the Can of Tuna to get it opened.

Take the can and leave Friendship Plaza. Head up to the shrine with the blue door on it in the upper area of the Tall Grass Plains. Give the opened can of Tuna to the monkey. Hit the monkey with your hammer when it is eating to rescue the Oarsman Toad (20).

With the Oarsman Toad saved we can finally ride the boat down the river. Head back to the dock and speak to the Oarsman Toad when you are ready to leave the area. If you followed this Autumn Mountain guide up to this point there is nothing left for you to do now. Time to head to Eddy River.

Need more help with Paper Mario: The Origami King? We’ve got you covered. Check out our complete wiki for Paper Mario: The Origami King where you will find a collection of guides for the main story, side missions, collectible locations, and more.

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