Paper Mario: The Origami King Shogun Studios Guide

Upon filling the lake on Autumn Mountain you will take a quick river ride down the Eddy River. At the end of this river ride you will arrive at the Shogun Studios. Since the Blue Streamer blocks the river this is the end of the road so you have to get off here. To complete this new location check out our Paper Mario: The Origami King Shogun Studios guide below.

Shogun Studios Collectibles List

  • Shuriken Master Trophy.
  • 21x Not-Bottomless Holes.
  • 38x Toad Rescues.

Shogun Studios Guide

Head from the dock to the left and interact with the save block in near the entrance gate. Pull the tape off the nearby warp pipe and hit the heart nearby to free Toad 1. This Toad will heal you if you find him in Toad Town next to the red building by the docks.

Battle Lab Technologies (Optional)

With the warp pipe open you can head to Toad Town and visit the Battle Lab. There are two new technologies the Toad there will give you: Puzzle Solver and Timer Extender. Both of these pieces of tech make fights significantly easier when equipped from the settings menu.

How to Enter Shogun Studios

Regardless of whether or not you picked up the tech from the Battle Lab you need to enter the Shogun Studios to advance the story. To enter this area head to the right of the entrance and interact wtih the machine there. From this machine you can buy a ticket into the park. There are two types of tickets:

  • Commoner – 2,400 gold bits.
  • Royalty – 9,800 gold bits.

For our purposes buy the Royalty entry pass as it allows you to get all collectibles. If you need coins to do that simply run the Eddy River a few times and focus on collecting coins to get a solid amount built up.

Once you’ve bought the Royalty pass go to the right of the machine and stand between the two red lanterns. Jump to reveal a ? Block 1 containing the Fire Hammer. Return to the front gate and enter the Shogun Studios park. When you walk across the bridge here you will trigger a cutscene. Basically this area features a number of buildings and locations to visit.

Shogun Studios Map and Where to Go First

Image of the Shogun Studios Map.

Note: Use map above for orientation.

The first building you should enter when you cross the bridge is the Info Center (1). This building is the first on your left when you cross the bridge. Inside the Info Center present your Royalty pass to the treasure chest to get Collectible Treasure No.40: Downriver Tour Boat.

Leave the Info Center and walk up the path to trigger an interaction with a Goomba. Head over to where the Goomba is then follow it to a more secure location. In this interaction we learn Shogun Studios has been taken over by Folded Soldiers and we need to help secure it. After this sequence hit the nearby ? Block 2 to get the Tail (item).

Leave this area and go back to the main path. Head into the next door on your left and hit the fan on top of the dresser to rescue Toad 2. Leave this building and go to the + intersection. Fight the Origami Snifits here then hang a left and pull the Toad 3 out from behind the bucket hut.

Shogun Studios Accessories Shop

Toad 3 is the accessories merchant for this location. You will find them standing in front of the Souvenir Shop on the main path. This Toad carries a few items:

  • Any accessories you haven’t purchased yet.
  • Petal Bag (5,000): Changes the visual look of your thrown confetti to cherry blossom petals.

The Petal Bag is purely aesthetic so it may not be worth buying unless you want everything. Since it is considered an accessory it does take up a slot when equipped without providing much benefit.

Shogun Studios Left Street

Head back to where you rescued Toad 3 and repair Not-Bottomless Hole 1 to the left of the rescue spot. When this door is fixed you can enter the building. Go inside and hit the flower in the top right corner of the room to find Toad 4. Leave this room and head to the next door on your left. Go inside and hammer the Origami Snifit next to the dresser. Hit the dresser to free 3x Toad 5.

Leave the building with the three Toads and head to the left. Enter the building to the left of the gate. Inside you will see a number of zabutons on the floor. Hammer the far left one to reveal a cat. Hit the cat to rescue Toad 6. You can’t go any further down the street here as the gate is tapped shut so return to the + intersection and head to the right.

Shogun Studios Right Street

I linked the map above, but if you haven’t looked at it in-game yet you can do so now by interacting with the sign at the start of the right street. Once you’ve viewed the map continue heading to the right and fill in Not-Bottomless Holes 2-3. Take out the Origami Snifits guarding the entrance then turn and hit the right lantern to free Toad 7. Don’t go through the gate yet. Instead head to the foreground to reach an area with a save block and Not-Bottomless Holes 4-5. Repair the holes then head right and hit the yellow dog to rescue Toad 8.

Now that we’ve cleared the street let’s head into the buildings here. The first building is the Tranquil Pipes Teahouse. Before going inside hammer the closed umbrella to the foreground of the save block to free Toad 9. Go inside and flip the second cushion on your left to find Toad 10. Talk to the Shy Guy on the right to get the Straw. Head to the back right corner and present your Royalty pass to open the treasure chest with Collectible Treasure No 41: Chestnuts.

Leave this area for now and head back to the main intersection. Go up street and head into the purple roofed building on your right. Inside this building hit the hat on the right wall to free Toad 11. Leave this building and head up to the castle looking building that is actually the Big Sho’ Theater. At the front door of the Big Sho’ Theater we learn we need to find a key to get inside. Head off the bridge and hit the sign with Toad 12 on it to learn more about the key.

Where to Find the Shogun Studios Master Key

Hit the save block next to the Toad and continue past it to the right down the street. Hit the ? Block 3 to get 100 coins. At the corner along the fence you will find three potted trees. To the right of these trees is a dragonfly. Hammer the dragonfly to rescue Toad 13.

Head down the path and repair Not-Bottomless Hole 6. Defeat the Snifits here then continue heading to the right. Walk past the gate for now and hit the empty pot between the two potted trees to get a Mushroom. Continue right and repair the Not-Bottomless Holes 7-8 then hit the nearby dragonfly to rescue Toad 14.

Who to give the Straw to

Head back and to the right through the gate and fill in the large Not-Bottomless Hole 9. Head into the first door on your right and hit the ash in the middle to rescue three Toads for Toad 15. Go back outside and walk to the second lantern. Hit it to reveal a Magic Spot. Use your 1,000-Fold Arms to smash the white lantern to rescue Toad 16. Head to the left corner of the exterior and jump onto the crates so you reach the red roof. Hammer the white lantern there to rescue Toad 17.

Now that the Staff Room exterior is complete talk to the sad ninja by the lily pond. Give the ninja the straw we got earlier to receive the Shuriken. Once you have this item head to the bottom left of the courtyard and climb the crates there so you are standing on the largest one. Jump to reveal ? Block 4 that contains an Ice Hammer. Jump over the fence and head back to the right to the dead end.

Staff Room

Image showing the Staff Room Entrance in Shogun Studios.

Interact with the right bush to open a hidden door. Enter the courtyard and fill in Not-Bottomless Hole 10. Open the chest near the tree to get Collectible Treasure No.43: Relaxing Bench. Head inside the door to enter the staff room. Head to the left side of the room and hit the Toad there to rescue Toad 18. Walk up to the blue lockers and open the left one to rescue Toad 19 who runs the Shuriken Dojo. Open the right locker to get a heart. Hit the garbage can next to the locker to free Toad 20 who tells you the master key is missing. Go to the right-side of the room and pull Toad 21 out of the Goomba mask. Take the three masks when you are able to. With the Staff Room complete head back to the front of the Theatre.

Shuriken Dojo

Since we have Shurikens and free the Shuriken Dojo Toad let’s head to this location next. To reach the Shuriken Dojo head down the main path and go down the path next to the sign with the shuriken on it. Repair the Not-Bottomless Hole 11 on the all and continue to the left. Jump on the crates along the fence and hit the shuriken sitting in the target to rescue Toad 22. Head inside the dojo.

Speak to the Toad inside the dojo and give him the shurikens when prompted. Once you give the shurikens you can play the shuriken mini-game which has two modes: Normal and Expert. Complete Normal mode by scoring exactly 21 points to get the Baseball. Complete Expert mode by scoring over 80 points to get the Collectible Treasure No.44: Paper Macho Koopa Troopa. Once both modes are completed you can replay this mini-game to earn various consumable items. If you score more than 100 points on Expert you unlock the Shuriken Master trophy.

Leave the dojo once you’ve got at least the Baseball (story item) then jump on top of the crates and jump over the fence to the left. Next we will be entering the Photo Studio.

Photo Studio and Surrounding Area

Before entering the Photo Studio interact with the tape on the gate to pull it away. From here head inside the building. Head to the left wall and hit the Toad hanging there to rescue Toad 23. Exit the Photo Studio and head to the alley way on the left side. Go in the first door on your left and pull Toad 24 out of the right wall. Show you Royalty Pass to the chest to get Collectible Treasure No.42: Water Vellumental’s Wheel. Leave the building and head down the alleyway so you can repair Not-Bottomless Hole 12.

Use the cart next to the hole to climb to the rooftop above. Hit the sign to fight some Goombas for a confetti refill. Walk along the roof to the foreground and cross over to the purple roof so you reach the roof of the Photo Studio. Hit the far right sign to rescue Toad 25. Go back and continue along the roof to the Lookout Tower. Ring the bell on top to awaken the Paper Macho Koopa. Go down below to trigger a fight with some Goombas to free Toad 26. Tear off the tape blocking the door then go through it and repair the Not-Bottomless Hole 13 on the wall.

When you are back outside you will want to take out the Paper Macho Koopa that is stomping around. To do this bait out its attack then dodge. Run up and hit the seal off its back then repeat this process until it is dead. Once dead you can head back up to the bell so you can hammer it 30 times to rescue Toad 27.

Back to Right Side of Shogun Studios

Now that we’ve cleared out the left section head back to the right side of the Shogun Studios by using the gate next to the fence by the photo shop. Head right at the + intersection and go up through the gate leading to the building with three doors. Around the exterior of this building you will want to repair the Not-Bottomless Holes 14-16. Once these are filled head into the building using the far right door. In this building there are a number of Toad Rescues:

  • Toad 28: Scarab in barrel on right side of room.
  • Toad 29: Butterfly in barrel on right side of room.
  • Toad 30: Grasshopper in barrel on right side of room.
  • Toad 31: Bonsai tree in barrel on right side of room.

Once you’ve grabbed these Toad Rescues make your way to the back dresser in the left corner of the room. Hit the left wall where there is a crack to reach the next room. Hit the blue and white fish to rescue Toad 32. Hammer the Shy Guy pushing the door and exit.

Who to Give the Baseball to

Go into the far left door and approach the back right corner of the room. Hit the odd floor spot to reveal a ? Block 4. Jump on this block to be able to jump up to the flower. Hit the flower to rescue Toad 33.

Head through the back door to reach a backyard area where two Dry Bones are playing catch with a bone. Give the Dry Guy nearest you the baseball to get the Bone in return.

Who to Give the Bone to

Once you have the bone leave the building and head across the street to the area with the teahouse and Petting Zoo. Head to the right here and put the bone into the food dish next to the Petting Zoo stable. When you do this you will receive an HP UP +20. Go past Princess and enter the stable. Hit the bug that drops to rescue Toad 34.

Entering the House of Tricky Ninjas

Leave the stable and fill in the Not-Bottomless Hole 17. Walk to the background and fill the Not-Bottomless Hole 18 that’s there. Continue walking along this path so you reach a piece of tape. Pull it to create a bridge that leads to the staff room area.

Head back to the foreground and stomp on the two Koopas out front of the building. Hit the ? Block 5 to get Shiny Boots. Fill in the Not-Bottomless Hole 19 on the building then head right and fill Not-Bottomless Hole 20. Don’t fish yet instead head into the House of Tricky Ninjas which is part of the Ninja Attraction location.

After Getting the Master Key from Ninja Attraction

Back in the Shogun Studios we can go to a few new locations to grab some more collectibles. If you just want to advance the story you can head the Big Sho’ Theater. If you want to get all collectibles continue reading below.

Building Next to Staff Room

Head across the bridge we opened and go into the courtyard of the building directly in-front of you. Here you can open the door in the background. Open the treasure chest on the right to get the Collectible Treasure No.47: Canned-Food Par-tay Trio. Repair the Not-Bottomless Hole 21 to gain access to a fax room. Go into the fax room and free Toad 35 there. Using the fax machine here will send you back to the Sensor Lab if needed.

How to Solve the House of Riddles

The House of Riddles can be found in the top left corner of the Shogun Studios. Before entering it go inside the building to the left of where the large Koopa was blocking the path. Hammer the four lanterns inside to rescue Toad 36. Leave this building then go up to the House of Riddles. To enter this building you need to get the Master Key. Once you have this key you can head inside where you need to solve a riddle. This riddle is fairly straightforward.

Image showing the solution for the left room in House of Riddles.
Left Room Solution.
Image showing the House of Riddles Right Room Solution.
Right Room Solution.

To complete the riddle you need to make the left and right rooms mirror each other. The solution can be seen in both the photos above. Layout each room as shown above to open the middle room’s door. This reveals a treasure chest with the Max HP UP +5.

Souvenir Shop

We can now enter the Souvenir Shop back at the start of the Shogun Studios. Inside the shop you can open the back door using the Master Key to reach the upper floor. Close the door behind you to free the Souvenir Shop Toad 37. Once this Toad is rescued it will open the shop up for business. You can buy the Collectible Treasure No.46: Big Sho’ Theater for ~10,000 coins.


Below the Ninja Attraction you will find a fishing dock. Once the fishing Toad has been unlocked you will be able to play this mini-game. There are a number of collectibles you can get from fishing:

  • Toad 38: Catch the origami fish to free this Toad.
  • Collectible Treasure No.45: Canned Tuna: Catch the fish with the green sparkles around it that appears after catching the Toad.

After Destroying the Blue Streamer

Once you’ve destroyed the Blue Streamer in the Big Sho’ Theater head back to Shogun Studios and make your way through the crowd of Toads lined up outside. When you see the fireworks Bob-omb will remember his missing memories. You and the crew will be able to pass through the river now since it is open which leads to the first Yellow Streamer location of Sweetpaper Valley.

Need more help with Paper Mario: The Origami King? We’ve got you covered. Check out our complete wiki for Paper Mario: The Origami King where you will find a collection of guides for the main story, side missions, collectible locations, and more.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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