Phobos Skins and How to Get Them in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Traversing the world of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey can take a while since it is so large. Thankfully, when you begin the game you get a horse named Phobos, who helps alleviate the time it takes to travel long distances. Like everything in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Phobos can have its appearance changed by equipping a number of different Phobos Skins. To help you find the Phobos Skins you want, consult our how to get Phobos Skins guide below.

Phobos Skins – Rare

Common Phobos Skin Assassin's Creed Odyssey

When you first choose your Phobos, it will have a Common Phobos skin.

When you first select Phobos, you will have the chance to choose from white, brown, and black versions of the horse. Whichever Phobos you choose, the other skins (along with a bunch of more) will appear at the Blacksmith for purchase using Drachmae. Each Blacksmith will carry one random Phobos skin, so fast travel around to find the skins you really want. Below I will highlight all the Rare Phobos skins you can find in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

Pale Horse

Pale Horse Rare Phobos Skin

This is the Pale Horse Phobos skin. It is a Rare Phobos Skin.

How to get it: Purchase from your local Blacksmith.

Phobos Skin Cost: 2,500

Skin Description: Healthy and enduring, this horse can accomplish any task.

Brown Horse

Brown Horse Rare Phobos Skin

This is the Brown Phobos skin. It is a Rare Phobos skin.

How to get it: Purchase from your local Blacksmith.

Phobos Skin Cost: 2,500

Skin Description: A strong horse that won’t hesitate to charge through battle.

Egyptian Horse

Egyptian Horse Rare Phobo Skin

This is the Egyptian Horse Phobos skin. It is a Rare Phobos skin.

How to get it: Purchase from your local Blacksmith.

Phobos Skin Cost: 2,500

Skin Description: Horses from Egypt can endure the most hostile climates.

Racing Horse

Racing Horse Rare Phobos Skin

This is the Racing Horse Phobos skin. It is a Rare Phobos skin.

How to get it: Purchase from your local Blacksmith.

Phobos Skin Cost: 2,500

Skin Description: These horses are bred for speed an like to carry as little as possible.

Traveler’s Horse

Traveler's Horse Rare Phobo Skin

This is the Traveler’s Horse Phobos skin. It is a Rare Phobos skin.

How to get it: Purchase from your local Blacksmith.

Phobos Skin Cost: 2,500

Skin Description: There is no better horse for embarking on an epic journey.

Mycenaean Steed (Ubisoft Club)

Mycenaean Steed Epic Phobos Skin

This is the Mycenaean Steed Phobos skin. It is an Epic Phobos Skin.

How to get it: Purchase from Ubisoft Club.

Phobos Skin Cost: 20 Ubisoft Club Points.

Skin Description: Often used for trading gold, copper, glass, and ivory, these horses are also found use pulling chariots in battle.

Aegean Atoll (Twitch Prime)

Aegean Atoll Phobos Skin Assassin's Creed Odyssey

The Aegean Atoll Phobos Skin is gotten through Twitch Prime.

How to get it: Got from Twitch Prime. Can be accessed here.

Phobos Skin Cost: N/A

Skin Description: This mount somehow enjoys being on rocking boats as much as running on dry land.

Phobos Skins – Epic

There are only a few available Epic Phobos Skins. Two are acquired through the Blacksmith and one is acquired through Ubisoft’s Store/Digital Deluxe pack or Oikos of Olympians.


Fangs Epic Phobos Skin

This is the Fangs Phobos skin. It is an Epic Phobos skin.

How to get it: Purchase from your local Blacksmith.

Phobos Skin Cost: 8,000

Skin Description: This horse comes from generations who served silent and deadly warriors.


Unicorn Epic Phobos Skin

This is the Unicorn Phobos skin. It is an Epic Phobos skin.

How to get it: Purchase from your local Blacksmith.

Phobos Skin Cost: 8,000

Skin Description: This fabulous animal of legend is a loyal companion.


Hourglass Epic Phobos Skin

This is the Hourglass Epic Phobos skin.

How to get it: Purchase from the Store for Helix, get it from the Deluxe Digital Pack, or get it from Oikos of Olympians.

Phobos Skin Cost: 300 Helix.

Skin Description: Adorned with the symbols of the Titan Kronos, this mount will serve faithfully until the end of time.

Phobos Skins – Legendary

Like the Epic skins, there are only a few Legendary Phobos skins currently. These skins can be acquired by completing a certain task, buying them off the Store for Helix, or by getting them through Oikos of Olympians shop. The current available Legendary Phobos Skins are:

Black Unicorn

Black Unicorn Legendary Phobos Skin

This is the Black Unicorn Phobos skin. It is a Legendary Phobos skin.

How to get it: Purchase from the Store for Helix, get it from the Gamestop pre-order, or get it from Oikos of Olympians.

Phobos Skin Cost: 500 Helix.

Skin Description: Riding a Unicorn is a once in a lifetime experienceRiding a Black Unicorn is simply indescribable.

Spartan Renegade

Spartan Renegade Legendary Phobos Skin

This is the Spartan Renegade skin. It is a Legendary Phobos skin.

How to get it: Purchase from the Store for Helix or get it from Oikos of Olympians.

Phobos Skin Cost: 500 Helix.

Skin Description: There’s one way to tell how a battle went: check their clothes, weapons, and horse for the blood of their enemies.


Pegasos Legendary Phobos Skin

This is the Pegasos Legendary Phobos skin.

How to get it: Purchase from the Store for Helix or get it from Oikos of Olympians.

Phobos Skin Cost: 750 Helix.

Skin Description: Born when Perseus decapitated Medusa, Pegasos was asked by Zeus to bring lightning and thunder to him from Olympos.


Abraxas Legendary Phobos Skin

This is the Abraxas Phobos skin. It is one of the few Legendary Phobos skins.

How to get it: Reach Tier 1 of Mercenaries (thanks X.S.).

Phobos Skin Cost: N/A

Skin Description: This fiery steed comes straight from the underworld.


Nemea Phobos Skin Assassin's Creed Odyssey

The Nemea Phobos skin makes it look like your Phobos is being eaten by a Lion.

How to get it: Purchase from the Store for Helix or get it from Oikos of Olympians.

Phobos Skin Cost: 500 Helix.

Skin Description: Protected by the Nemean Lion’s fur, Nemea is nearly impervious to attack. Unless Herakles decides otherwise.

How to Customize Your Horse

If you’ve read this far and though, wow these skins look good, but how do I apply them, you’re in luck. To customize your horse in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is rather simple. All you need to do is have a skin (any listed above), and then navigate your way to the Inventory screen. On the Inventory screen you should see your Phobos in the lower right of your gear columns. Open the Phobos icon to open up your skins menu. Apply any skin you like to have your Phobos appear like that next time you call it.

Which of the Phobos Skins do you like best? Let me know in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

14 responses

  1. Androktona says:

    There are a few more skins that have been added that I don’t see listed here:
    Ghost – 500 Helix Credits “Like the ghost of Patroklos visiting Achilles, this horse is elusive and has likely entered Hades’s gates.”
    Sacred Bull – 750 Helix credits “Dionysos was a god of resurrection and often transformed into a bull. If this one seems drunk, perhaps it’s him.”
    Trojan Horse – 500 Helix Credits “After a Ten Year Siege, Odysseus came up with a plan for the Trojan Hors. It took only three days to build.”
    Cerberus’s Offspring – 750 Helix Credits “Whether it had one, three, or one hundred heads, this hound of Hades had one job: to stop the dead from leaving.
    I wish the descriptions of mounts in game (or someone taking the time to test it out) included their effects. We know Nemea doesn’t take enemy damage, and we know Pegasos doesn’t take fall damage. But what about Fang? The description implies he could be silent/stealth? What about the Bull, can he ram into enemies? would make the decision of whether it is worth spending money easier lolé

  2. Sammie says:

    Well i used up all of my skin slots…. so how do i get rid of some so i can buy more? Literally have seen not one article explaining this… and im a bit frustrated lol

  3. X.S. says:

    There’s a new skin available. The Nemean Lion Skin for Phobos. I’d like to see what it looks like in-game before I decide to buy or not. The skin’s effect makes Phobos impervious to damage from enemies, IF I’m making the right assumption from its description that is… It still dies from fall damage, though.

    • X.S. says:

      Also, Pegasus is impervious to fall damage.

    • enricofairme says:

      I’ve added the new skin. Don’t know what I think about it. Makes your Phobos look like it is being eaten by a lion.

      • X.S. says:

        Idk either. They could’ve made it look cooler. Like the lion’s head goes over the horse’s head and wears it like a cap/mask. Another cool feature I think would be for them to add is a Mythical Tier. Basically, your horse turns into other animals. Like, I’d love to ride a Nemean Lion or an Alpha Lion at the very least. Horses are great and all, but I prefer riding predators. What do you think?

        • enricofairme says:

          I really like the idea of having Mythical mounts, with more interesting animations and designs. Unfortunately I don’t see Ubisoft changing how they handle Phobos.

  4. X.S. says:

    You seem to have forgotten about the Aegean Pack where you have to link your Twitch Prime account to your UPlay account. Although I did it, I’m not sure why I’m not getting the pack…

    • enricofairme says:

      Thanks for letting me know. I will add this to the list. Which skin do you like the best so far?

      • X.S. says:

        I like the skin from Exekias. But also the Aegean and Black Unicorn skins. Btw, I killed Exekias, but I never got the skin. Do I need to deal the final blow? Because my Leopard got the final blow.

        • X.S. says:

          Nvm. I figured it out. The requirement isn’t killing Exekias, but getting into Tier 1. I killed him while I was LVL 45 and was at the start of Tier 2.

  5. enricofairme says:

    Which Phobos skin do you like the best? What are you rocking right now? I think the Unicorn and Abraxas are the best looking as they have the most interesting animations.

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