All Playing Cards Locations in GTA Online

On the previous page I showed you the location of 27 of the 54 total playing cards in GTA Online. This page will continue this effort by showing you another 27. There is a map on page 1 to help you get oriented. Check out more of our playing cards locations guide below.

Card 28: Observatory Washroom

Image showing the Observatory playing card location.

Make your way to the parking lot of the Observatory and head to the washroom building. Between the two sets of washrooms is a passthrough. In this area there is a card next to some water fountains.

Card 29: Richman Glen Convenience Store

Image showing the Richman Glen Convenience Store playing card location.

The next card can also be found in a Convenience Store this time in the Richman Glen area. Head to the back room to find the card on the safe.

Card 30: Banham Canyon Convenience Store

Image showing the Banham Canyon Convenience Store playing card location.

Make your way to the 247 Supermarket in the Banham Canyon area (the one not along the main highway). Go into the back room to find the playing card on top of a safe.

Card 31: Nelson’s General Store

Image showing Nelson's General Store playing card location.

Along the Great Ocean Highway there is a spot that has a tattoo shop, clothing store, and ammunation all in the same strip mall. To the north of these shops in the same center is Nelson’s General Store. Outfront is the playing card on a table.

Card 32: Hippy Trailer Park

Image showing the Hippy Trailer Park playing card location.

You will find the Hippy Trailer Park to the north of Ron’s Alternates Wind Farm. In this collection of trailers you are looking for the brightly colored one with PEACE written beside its door. Walk onto the deck of this trailer to grab the card.

Card 33: Grand Senora Desert Rebel Radio Station

Image showing the Grand Senora Desert Rebel Radio Station playing card location.

Outside the Rebel Radio Station in the Grand Senora Desert you will find a playing card. It is sitting on the letter L in the logo.

Card 34: Great Chaparral Old House

Image showing the Great Chaparral Old House playing card location.

North of the old church in the Great Chaparral area there is an old house. On the porch of this old house is the playing card.

Card 35: Route 68 Discount Store

Image showing the Route 68 Discount Store playing card location.

Along Route 68 there is a Discount Store next to an Ammunation and purchasable garage. Go inside the store into the fitting room area to find the card on top of some boxes.

Card 36: Fort Zancudo Guard Post

Image showing the Fort Zancudo Guard Post playing card location.

Make your way along the northeast exterior of the Fort Zancudo (army base) and look for a guard post blocking the road. Go inside this guard post to find the card.

Card 37: Grand Senora Desert Yellow Jack Inn

Image showing the Yellow Jack Inn playing card location.

In the Grand Senora Desert there is a location called the Yellow Jack Inn (marked on your map with a target). Head to this location and go inside to find the card on the billiards table.

Card 38: Grand Senora Desert White House

Image showing the Grand Senora Desert White House playing card location.

North of the Stoner Cement Works in the Grand Senora Desert there are a number of homes for sale. The white house has a toolbox outside it with the playing card on it.

Card 39: You Tool

Image showing the location of the You Tool playing card.

The next card can be found on a washer in front of the You Tool store in the Sandy Shores. The You Tool is a large department store along the highway.

Card 40: Sandy Shores Fire Station

Image showing the Sandy Shores Fire Station playing card location.

Head to the Sandy Shores area and make your way east of the old Motel to find the Dany Shoes Fire Station. Inside the bay there is a toolbox with the playing card on top.

Card 41: Grand Senora Desert Old Gas Station

Image showing the Grand Senora Desert Old Gas Station playing card location.

In the Grand Senora Desert area there is an old gas station you will pass on the main road (northwest of the airfield). In the back of this gas station on an old forklift is the playing card.

Card 42: Stab City Lost MC Trailer Park

Image showing the Stab City Lost MC Trailer Park playing card location.

Make your way to the Lost MC trailer park in the Stab City area. In the middle of the trailer park there is a stage. On this stage there is a speaker with the playing card on it.

Card 43: Raton Canyon Lookout

Image showing the Rator Canyon Lookout playing card location.

The next playing can be found at the Raton Canyon Lookout. It is sitting on the info board.

Card 44: Alamo Sea Compound

Image showing the Alamo Sea Compound playing card location.

Along the north shore of the Alamo Sea there is a small compound with a few houses. In this compound there is a playing card on the ping pong table (you visit this location during the Humane Lab mission).

Card 45: Sandy Shores Park View Diner

Image showing the Sandy Shores Park View Diner playing card location.

On a table out front of the Park View Diner you will find the next playing card. This location is north from the You Tool store on the border of Sandy Shores and Grapeseed.

Card 46: House South of Lighthouse

Image showing the location of the lighthouse house playing card.

If you head east from Grapeseed you will reach a lighthouse along the shoreline. From this lighthouse head left along the shore until you reach two houses (it’s a bit of a journey). The grey house has a playing card on its window sill.

Card 47: Grapeseed Airplane Hangar

Image showing the Grapeseed Airplane Hangar playing card location.

At the runway in Grapeseed there is a hangar which has the Jack Sheep Servicing logo on it. Go inside this hangar and look for a desk. On the desk is the playing card.

Card 48: Grapeseed Convenience Store

Image showing the Grapeseed Convenience Store playing card location.

Inside the convenience store in Grapeseed you will find a playing card on the desk in the back room.

Card 49: Hiking Trail Near Lighthouse

Image showing the hiking trail near lighthouse playing card location.

Near the Lighthouse there is a hiking trail that goes up the mountain. Along this trail you will find a campsite with a fire. Beside the fire is the playing card.

Card 50: Picnic Table by Mt. Chiliad Store

Image showing the picnic tables by the mt chiliad store.

East of the furthest north convenience store (Mt Chiliad) there are a bunch of picnic tables. On the picnic table there is a playing card.

Card 51: Paleto Bay Beeker’s Garage

Image showing the Beeker's Garage playing card location.

Go inside Beeker’s Garage on foot and enter the office. On the desk here you will find a playing card.

Card 52: Paleto Bay ATM Outside Barber

Image showing the Paleto Bay ATM playing card location.

Head to the barber in Paleto Bay and make your way to the southwest side of the shop to find an ATM. On the ATM is a card.

Card 53: Mt. Chiliad Tram Station

Image showing the Mt. Chiliad Tram playing card location.

Make your way to the bottom station of the Mt. Chiliad Tram. Look for the playing card on the stairs leading up to the trams.

Card 54: Paleto Cove Dock

Image showing the Paleto Cove Dock playing card location.

This playing card can be found on the Paleto Cove Dock. It is on the right side close to the entrance along the hand rail.

Collecting all 54 Playing Cards Reward

Image showing The High Roller outfit in GTA Online.

For collecting all 54 playing cards in GTA Online you will unlock the High Roller special outfit and special cards for your Private Dealer to use. The High Roller outfit can be seen above.

Thoughts on our playing cards locations guide? Drop them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

4 responses

  1. Opie says:

    Your pictures and map locations dont match

  2. michael says:

    anyone having trouble with the #12 mine was never there, tried reloading the server nothing…….

  3. Gabriel R. Porras says:

    Hello, I have to voice my opinion in this matter I feel. I used this guide before there was video guides so I thought I’d stay with it because the videos didn’t follow the order you set up. I found it extremely hard to find the cards especially when you screenshot in the dark. Not only that but you could have added a better location indicator for the mini map or map in general. I am thankful you did this but next time try some method a little more helpful. Also adding the street names, I felt like I needed to own a physical copy of the map. I don’t live there Sir I just visit every once on a blue full moon.

  4. Yousef says:


    Reached out via email a few times via email. Was wondering if there’s a better way to try and contact you.


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