PlayStation Plus Games for May 2018 – Quantic Dream and Ubisoft Titles

With April 2018 coming to an end, Sony has revealed the PlayStation Plus games for May 2018 and the list is pretty impressive. PlayStation Plus owners will get there hands on a title from Quantic Dream, Ubisoft, and some indie studios. Check out the full list of PlayStation Plus games for May 2018 below.

PlayStation Plus Games for May 2018

PlayStation Plus Games for May 2018

Image via Sony.

  • Beyond: Two Souls (PS4)
  • Rayman Legends (PS4)
  • Risen 3: Titan Lords (PS3)
  • Eat Them! (PS3)
  • King Oddball (PS Vita, Cross-Buy with PS3 and PS4)
  • Furmins (PS Vita)

Headlining the PS+ games for May 2018 is Beyond: Two Souls out of Quantic Dream (the developers behind May 25’s releasing Detroit: Become Human). This 2013 interactive drama action-adventure game stars Ellen Page as Jodie, a troubled young person who has grown up with an incorporeal entity named Aiden. Jodie and Aiden both become subject of the United States of Paranormal Activity department, where they learn to harness their power. Like any story, things in Beyond: Two Souls quickly unravel, leaving Jodie to navigate her future.

Alongside Beyond: Two Souls, gamers will have a chance to get their hands on Rayman Legends. Released back in 2013, Rayman Legends is a sequel to 2011’s Rayman Origin. Like its predecessor, Rayman Legends was released to immediate critical acclaim and is widely considered to be one of the best platforming video games ever made.

Other titles available for PlayStation Plus members include Risen 3: Titan Lords, Eat Them!, King Oddball, and Furmins. These games are more indie in nature, but should be checked out if you’re looking for games to play in May.

Thoughts on the PlayStation Plus games for May 2018? Let me hear them in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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