Poi Clue Stones Locations Guide

I picked up the 90’s inspired indie platformer Poi and am enjoying the quest to collect everything. While playing, I encountered a storm in the sky which took me to a mysteriously locked gate. This gate requires collecting 4 Clue Stones which are spread out across the 4 worlds. Below is a guide to the Poi Clue Stones Locations.

The Mysterious Gate

Poi Clue Stones Locations

The above picture is of the Mysterious Gate. This gate requires the collection of the 4 Clue Stones as well as a the collection of 60 Explorer Medallions in order to open. The 4 Clue Stones are located in the 4 levels: Cozy Canyon, Mount Magma, Sinking Sands and Crystal Cavern.

Cozy Canyon

The Clue Stone in Cozy Canyon is located near the lighthouse. Head to the warp located in the picture above and you will be taken to a water room. Inside the room you will see that the Clue Stone appears to be beneath the water. In order to collect it, simple run until you are over the reflection and jump to collect Clue Stone 1.

Mount Magma

The second Clue Stone is located in Mount Magma. From the start of the level, head to the structure on the left of picture 1. Once near the structure, you will see a statue with a warp in front of it. Take the warp and you will need to do a little bit of platforming. After platforming, the second Clue Stone will be found at the end of the platforming moment.

Sinking Sands

To find the third Clue Stone head to the Sinking Sands. Look for the rock with the Clue Stone symbol on it and head through the illusory wall to take the warp. Once through the warp, you will have to do a desert maze puzzle. These types of puzzles simply require following the directions of the signs. At the end of the maze is the third Clue Stone.

Crystal Cavern

The final Clue Stone is located in Crystal Cavern. This icey wonderland is the final level in Poi and is also the hardest. To find the Clue Stone head to the second area of the level which houses the crane. Look for the Clue Stone symbol on the wall near the ice tower. Head up the tower and you will find the warp platform. The fourth and final Clue Stone is found after doing a brief bit of platforming.

There you have it. A brief Poi Clue Stones locations guide. Upon collection of the 4 Clue Stones and 60 Explorer Medallions you will be able to unlock the Mysterious Gate.

Check out more Poi Walkthroughs

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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