POI Fossil Locations Guide

Sinking Sands

In the town between two buildings.

Behind the bell tower.

Near the archeologist at ground level.

Near the check point flag by the archeologist. Look up

Behind the stationary crane

In a cave high up beside level spawn

Inside the train tunnel

Cliff below the three red pillars in the center of the level (near sand pit)

Crystal Cavern

POI Fossil Locations Guide

Beside the raising platforms at level beginning

POI Fossil Locations Guide

Inside the locked cage

POI Fossil Locations Guide

Beside the pit to the boss

POI Fossil Locations Guide

Inside the tunnel near the gate to the timed section

POI Fossil Locations Guide

Near the pipes which shoot the spike balls

POI Fossil Locations Guide

Room with all the balance beams

POI Fossil Locations Guide

Near the stacked boxes at the start

POI Fossil Locations Guide

Look for one hard hat wearing enemy near a single platform in opening

Thanks for reading HtR’s POI Fossil Locations Guide. Hope it helped you on your quest to collect all the fossils in POI. Any comments, questions, or suggestions can be dropped in the Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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