Evolve: Quantum Caira kicks off Shear Madness Month

Last month, Turtle Rock Studios initiated Evolve Stage 2 which changed the struggling game into free to play on PC. This move brought a new inflow of gamers into the game. After launching Stage 2, Turtle Rock released the first of a promised many new updates, Electro Griffin. Now Evolve is getting a whole slew of updates over the coming five weeks including such goodies as new characters (Quantum Caira week 1), new maps and a new co-op mode.

The first update to hit players is called the Quantum Surge which brings a new character to the fight, Quantum Caira. Quantum Caira is a medic who utilises a variety of fields (proton, neutron, regeneration and generyst II) to dole out damage, healing and in some cases both.

Quantum Caira – Quantum Caira keeps the team alive through sustained healing and careful positioning. Her Regeneration Fields create healing zones while her Neutron Barrier blocks damage for the whole team, as long as she’s in the right place. Unlike other medics she has no healing burst so a well-positioned Regeneration Field combined with a well-timed Proton Field are the keys to success with Quantum Caira.

Proton Field- Deploys a zone that damages enemies over time. Multiple fields stack.

Regeneration Field – Deploys a Generyst™ zone that heals each nearby Hunter over time. Multiple Regeneration Fields stack.

Neutron Barrier- Applies a short damage-resistance buff to all nearby Hunters.

Generyst II™ Field: Heals hunters and damages monsters in the area for the duration of the effect.

Quantum Caira

Alongside the new medic character, Quantum Surge adds a new ‘try before you buy’ feature. Content in Evolve is locked away to be purchased with silver keys. A player will now be able to try out various items in Training Mode free of charge. Furthermore, the new update also brings new Advanced Hunter tutorials, balance changes and addresses some community concerns regarding matchmaking.

Evolve can be downloaded for free on Steam.

Does Shear Madness month have you hyped for Evolve? Are you over this game? Let me know in the Pit below. 


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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