The Most Read Articles on HTR in 2017

2017 was a big year for Hold To Reset. The year saw a marked increase in the number of visitors we received versus 2016. Given the exponential growth the site has undergone, I thought it may be interesting to highlight what people were reading all year. Below you will find the most read articles on HTR in 2017.


5 Things To Do After Beating Hollow Knight

I’d be lying if I said walkthroughs didn’t bring the views, because they do. This year we saw a huge influx of visitors across various walkthroughs and guides HTR put together in 2017. Below are the three most read guides:

Hollow Knight Guide (334,375)

NBA 2K18 – Neighborhood Guide (110,032)

NBA 2K18 – MyPLAYER Training Guide (71,505)


Hollow Knight Hidden Dreams Guide

News is a newer area the site has been attempting to foray into. This has come with mixed results, but is something we are dedicated to improving at in 2018. Here are the three top hitting news stories we put out this year:

Coverage of a Magikarp Jump Update (2,145)

Hollow Knight Hidden Dreams Content Pack Announced (1,266)

Hollow Knight The Grimm Troupe Content Pack Announced (792)


5 Things To Do After Beating Hollow Knight

2017 saw a marked increase in the number of reviews put up on the site. While we didn’t get to every game in 2017, many of the top games did get reviewed. Like the news section, we will be putting more effort into producing timely reviews for the Resetors in 2018.

Hollow Knight Review (1247)

Bomber Crew Review – Ham Fiddler (713)

NBA 2K18 (583)


New Dark Souls 3 Footage

Resident film expert, FilmApe is always telling me how much he appreciates a good list post, and it seems like the Resetors agree. In 2017 we had a few big list posts that garnered some attention.

Dark Souls 3: Top Ten Weapons (12,988)

The 10 Hardest Bosses in Cuphead (4,914)

The 10 Most Expensive Items On The PUBG Marketplace (1,727)

Non-EnricoFairme Written Articles

2017 saw a number of contributions from various authors including FilmApe, HamFiddler, and CaptClue. Below you will find the most read articles from these authors. Hopefully they will continue to work for the site for free in 2018. But seriously, thank you to everyone who contributed in 2017.

FilmApe – A Fire Bear Storm of Movie Trailers (320)

HamFiddler – 8 Tips and Tricks for The Long Dark: Wintermute (9,293)

CaptClue – Rocket League Season 5 – What To Expect (508)


If you didn’t know, Hold To Reset has a YouTube channel. Here you can find a number of different types of videos including trailers, walkthroughs, cutscenes and more. 2017 saw a huge increase in viewership on the YouTube channel including the most watched video above.

2018 and Onward

With 2018 on the cusp, I just wanted to take a second to thank everyone who has visited the site in 2017. Without you, Hold To Reset would not be as interesting or fun as it has become. Here’s hoping 2018 is even bigger and better!

Thoughts on the most read articles on HTR in 2017? Thoughts on HTR as a whole? Let me know in The Pit below.


Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

2 responses

  1. HamFiddler says:

    As a clearly foundational member of the HtR contributor team it is great to be recognized by the big boss EnricoFairme. He is a delightful gentlemen, and a exacting gamer. The next step for me is a full back HtR tattoo

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