Red Dead Online: Veterans Collection Guide

Each Tuesday players of Red Dead Online receive a new collection to find for Madam Nazar. These collections require finding specific hidden items across the frontier. This week’s collection is called the Veterans collection. As the name of this collection suggests you will need to find coins for Madam Nazar. To help you complete this collection use our Veterans collection guide below.

What Items are in the Veterans Collection?

Image showing the Veterans Collection in Red Dead Online and what's in it.

The Madam Nazar shopping list is a weekly collectible list players can find for Madam Nazar. Like other collections you need to find a number of items for Madam Nazar to complete the set. Once the set is complete you can sell the weekly collection to Madam Nazar for more money than the individual items sell on their own.

Here’s what items are in the Veterans collection:

  • 1792 Quarter.
  • Old Tom Gin.
  • Aubrey Onyx Ring.

When you login for the first time after the weekly reset you will receive a message from Madam Nazar at the nearest Post Office (or Camp Lock Box). Get the collection letter from the Post Office then head out and start gathering the full set.

Where to Find 1792 Quarter, Old Tom Gin, And Aubrey Onyx Ring

Image showing the location of the Old Tom Gin in Red Dead Online.

Like other collectibles in Red Dead Online, the items listed above can be found in changing spawn points across the map. Since the items locations are changing daily your best bet is to use the Jeanropke map. This map is constantly updating with the new item spawns and cycles (cycles determine where the items are). If you don’t want to use the map here are some general location tips:

  • 1792: Can be found buried using the metal detector and shovel.
  • Old Tom Gin: You may find old bottles inside buildings.
  • Aubrey Onyx Ring: Can be found buried using the metal detector and shovel.

Once you have the required items listed above make your way to Madam Nazar (note her location changes daily).

What Does the Veterans Collection Sell For?

With the three items collected above head to Madam Nazar or use the Post Office and turn in the Veterans collection. When you turn in this completed collection you earn $80 for your efforts along with some XP.

To get the full sell amount from Madam Nazar you want to collect all three of the items listed above before you turn in the collection. If you opt to sell the items individually you will lose out on money.

That’s all you need to know to finish the Veterans collection in Red Dead Online. If you have anything to add to this guide drop a comment below.

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Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.

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